week 3 replies leadership

Jasmine Matos 
Florida National University 
Nursing Leadership and Management 
Instructor: Carmen Lazo 
Emotional Intelligence 
The capacity to be aware of, process, and control one’s own emotions as well as those of other people is known as emotional intelligence (EI). Included in this set of abilities are things like motivation, social awareness, self-control, empathy, and self-awareness. Emotional intelligence (EI) is essential in nursing because it aids in managing stress, forming good connections with patients and coworkers, and navigating the complicated emotional terrain of patient care (Bru-Luna et al., 2021). Nurses in leadership positions who score high on the emotional intelligence (EI) scale are better able to deal with stressful circumstances, empathize with patients and their families, and create a healthy work atmosphere by finding constructive ways to resolve team issues. 
Ways in Which Nurses Utilize Emotional Intelligence 
Emotional intelligence is critical for nurse leaders to take care of themselves and their patients. Nurses in leadership positions may improve their leadership skills by learning to control their own emotions and coping with stressful situations. They can work well with others because of their empathy and social skills, which allow them to form supportive connections with patients and other members of their team. By empathizing with their employees, nurse managers may boost morale and work satisfaction via supportive measures, and they can respond sensitively and effectively to concerns raised by patients and their families (Al‐Hamdan et al., 2021). By improving the leader’s capacity to provide a caring, robust, and efficient care environment, EI has a substantial influence on nurse leadership. 
1. Introduction 
· Define Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its relevance to nursing leadership. 
1. Assessing Emotional Intelligence Needs 
· Conduct assessments to identify the EI competencies required for effective mentoring and coaching (e.g., self-awareness, empathy). 
· Example: Use tools like the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal to gauge current EI levels among staff. 
1. Developing the Mentoring Program 
· Objective Setting: Establish clear goals for the mentoring program, such as improving clinical skills or enhancing job satisfaction. 
· Mentor Selection: Choose mentors based on their high EI, particularly those with strong empathy and social skills. 
· Training Mentors: Provide training on EI competencies, emphasizing active listening and constructive feedback (e.g., from the “Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Leadership” textbook). 
1. Implementing the Program 
· Matching Mentors and Mentees: Pair mentors and mentees based on complementary EI strengths and developmental needs. 
· Regular Meetings: Schedule regular check-ins to discuss progress, address challenges, and offer support. 
· Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback system to refine the program based on participant experiences. 
1. Evaluating and Refining the Program 
· Assess Outcomes: Use surveys and performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the mentoring program. 
· Continuous Improvement: Adjust the program based on feedback and outcomes to better meet the needs of both mentors and mentees. 
Strategies for Utilizing EI to Foster Collegial Relationships 
A nurse leader can utilize Emotional Intelligence to foster collegial work relationships and create a sense of belonging within the healthcare institution by prioritizing open communication and empathy. To foster an inclusive workplace, a leader might, for instance, have frequent team meetings where employees can voice their problems, have their sentiments acknowledged, and work together to find solutions. A leader may instill a feeling of worth and gratitude in their team members by publicly acknowledging and praising their efforts. The leader may also provide an example of EI by positively mediating disputes, being there for followers when they are going through tough times, and leading team-building exercises that help people connect (Chen & Guo, 2020). By fostering a more cohesive team and working together toward the same objective of prioritizing patients’ needs, these approaches guarantee a cohesive and encouraging approach to patient care. 

Al‐Hamdan, Z. M., Alyahia, M., Al‐Maaitah, R., Alhamdan, M., Faouri, I., Al‐Smadi, A. M., & Bawadi, H. (2021). The relationship between emotional intelligence and nurse–nurse collaboration. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(5), 615-622. 
Bru-Luna, L. M., Martí-Vilar, M., Merino-Soto, C., & Cervera-Santiago, J. L. (2021, December). Emotional intelligence measures: A systematic review. In Healthcare (Vol. 9, No. 12, p. 1696). MDPI. 
Chen, J., & Guo, W. (2020). Emotional intelligence can make a difference: The impact of principals’ emotional intelligence on teaching strategy mediated by instructional leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(1), 82-105. 


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