Understanding the Relationship between Special Education Laws and Ethical Principles


Review the Council for Exceptional Children Ethical Principles. What is the difference between a law and an ethical principle? Provide examples of where a special education law and CEC ethical principle overlap, and discuss why it is important to follow both. Do you see any contradictions between these laws and principles? Support your position.
please answer the discussion board using at least 3-5 sentences. After doing so please respond to the following 2 classmates using positive feedback on there thoughts. For this you will also need to answer using at least 3-5 sentences for each. 1. As defined by the dictionary a Law is a system of rule voted by legislation. Ethics is whats right or wrong. It’s moral principal that govern a person’s behavior. (Dictionary online) The difference between the two is that breaking the law has legal consequences that could land you in jail and with fines. While breaking an ethical principal will make you look bad in some cases, or maybe make you lose you job. Where they overlap I think of LRE (least restrictive environment), this is the legal way to have an all inclusive environment. Having a student who should be in the LRE and removing them and putting in a self contained environment for many reasons would be illegal but depending on why they were moved may be an ethical reason. I see both sides of this and understand both thoughts. I feel that in some cases the ethical thought of a child in a more self contained area to keep them safe is the right decision. Stephanie Henderson

Special Education Ethics

2. The Council for Exceptional Children’s (CEC) Ethical Principles set guidelines for professional behavior in special education, emphasizing respect for students’ dignity, culture, and language, promoting integrity and competence, and advocating for individuals with exceptionalities. These ethical principles complement laws like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which mandates specific rights and services for students with disabilities.
Laws like IDEA provide a legal framework ensuring students’ rights to appropriate education, while CEC’s ethical principles guide educators to uphold these rights in a respectful, competent, and inclusive manner. For instance, both IDEA and CEC principles emphasize the importance of individualized education and family involvement in decision-making. Following both is crucial as laws provide the legal basis for practice, and ethical principles ensure these practices are carried out with the highest professional standards and personal integrity.
There doesn’t seem to be a contradiction between the laws and principles; instead, they work together to ensure a comprehensive and respectful approach to special education. The legal requirements set the minimum standards, while ethical principles inspire educators to exceed these standards, emphasizing respect, competence, and advocacy for students’ best interest.
Council for Exceptional Children. (n.d.). Ethical Principles and Practice Standards. Retrieved from [exceptionalchildren.org](https://exceptionalchildren.org/standards/ethical-principles-and-practice-standards).



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