“Uncovering the Truth: The Need for Decriminalization and Regulation of Sex Work” “Protecting Human Rights: Upholding Dignity and Equality for All”


Critical Analysis Paper: You will write a 5-6-page paper on an individually selected topic. One of our forums will explore your paper ideas. You can choose any topic relating to sex, power, and politics. Your topic should explore a problem relating to the class (i.e. sexuality) and also explore how to improve upon that issue. For example, some possible topics include sex and disability, political scandals, and gender in advertisements. To successfully write the paper, you need to consult library sources and find academic articles on your topic (i.e.: find readings not covered in class). You should use PRIMARY academic resources (not newspapers or magazines or webpages) such as original research from academic sources (usually journal articles from peer-reviewed journals or academic books). Please see below for the article “Determine if your Source is Scholarly.” Your paper is due on April 28, by 11:59 pm on iLearn. (Please see the section for April 22 for the TurnItIn assignment link.) Please read the following carefully:
Your papers should contain academic resources, including in-text citations and a reference list/bibliography
Your original topic and argument, including a clear thesis statement.
Papers you wrote in other classes are not eligible for credit in this class
Have a similarity rate of under 10% (not including references or quotes)
You cannot use a paper you used for another class — you cannot get credit for one paper in two classes
Your citations and reference list should be in APA format (abstracts are optional)
At least 5 sources outside of class readings (we highly recommend using Zotero)
Your references can include readings from class but must also include at least 5 outside academic references
Be double-spaced with one-inch margins and have a title page
For help with formatting:
APA: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/Links to an external site.
Your papers are due on iLearn’s Turn-It-In feature– papers with a high percentage of similarity will not be given credit — please check the report on Turnitin and fix it as needed before the due date. Even if you have a high similarity to a paper you wrote, you must be below 10% similarity (no exceptions).
The link for “Critical Analysis Paper” is located at the bottom of the week with the deadline, no papers will be accepted by email, and any paper submitted by email will not be graded.
The biggest loss of points is caused by not using academic resources
Abstract is optional
You must list your references and they do not count toward the final page count 
Also, proofread, proofread, proofread!
The Critical Analysis paper constitutes 25% (25 points) of your final grade.
The topic I picked to write  on is Sex Work and Regulations by talking about, debating the legalization, decriminalization, or regulation of sex work. Consider the implications for sex workers’ safety, human rights, and societal attitudes toward sex work. I think this a topic that can help people who are in this work have a safer place to perform their job without fear of being locked up or abused. Decriminalization: Policy Change: Advocates argue that consensual adult sexual commerce should be decriminalized and governed by health and social welfare policies, similar to other service jobs. Impact: Decriminalization can reduce stigma, improve safety, and enhance access to services for sex workers. Occupational Health and Safety: Legal Protections: Develop and enforce occupational health and safety regulations specific to sex work. Training: Provide training on safe practices, hygiene, and self-defense for sex workers. Access to Resources: Ensure access to condoms, clean needles, and regular health check-ups. a holistic approach that combines decriminalization, community engagement, and evidence-based policies can contribute to a more just and supportive environment for sex workers. By centering their voices and addressing their unique needs, we can work toward a society that respects their rights and dignity.
Feel free to choose a different topic if it makes it easier to write. 



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