The Case for Legalizing Marijuana: Exploring the Medicinal, Economic, and Infrastructure Benefits Addressing the Climate Crisis: Individual and Societal Solutions


The topic i have chosen is why marijuana, cannabis, and THC use should be legalized. The medicinal, economic, and infrastructure benefits that would result from such an act. This is merely the research portion not the final draft that will be due in a couple weeks.
In the Persuasive Speech, your goal is convincing listeners to share your views — and then motivating them to act. To be convincing and motivating, you must use logos, which includes trustworthy data from outside sources. Therefore, the Persuasive Speech has a higher standard for evidence than the Informative Speech. Your sources for this last speech must be scholarly; use your college library to find scholarly sources (peer-reviewed by experts); don’t merely Google your topic. For instance, if a speech advocating the legalization of marijuana contained statistics from the National Organization for Marijuana Laws (NORML) or other non-academic sources, listeners might discount the evidence as biased or unqualified. The statistics might be valid, but that won’t matter if listeners doubt them. Because listeners question or mentally challenge evidence, your oral citations must introduce each source so the audience can better assess its reliability.
Review Supporting Claims (Problems) in a Persuasive Speech, to help you use the CER method. This activity is only the start of your outline; it’s not the complete outline due in Week 3C.
Begin with the thesis / preview. This thesis will probably evolve as you continue working on your speech; here, provide the current version.
Show how you might argue at least two dimensions of the problem (two subpoints or sub-subpoints) AND two aspects of the solution (two subpoints or sub-subpoints).
For evidence, include at least one brief example, one statistic, and one expert testimony, as well as the reasoning that links the evidence to the claim. (In other words, give at least one piece of evidence for each claim or subpoint. Your speech might have multiple pieces of evidence for a single claim, but that’s not required here.)
At the end of your main post, provide a Works Cited list with at least 3 sources, all in MLA format. Alphabetize this list, starting with the first letter of the first item (author’s last name, or title if no known author). thesis/preview
example: Today, I am going to convince you that climate change will cause serious, widespread problems, and then I’ll advocate some solutions. main point I: what is the overall problem?
example: Let’s begin by considering how global climate change will harm our planet’s environment.
– This main point contains transition words. Connectives can come before each new section, or the connective can be combined with the topic sentence.
– Here, sub-problem/subpoint IA might be rising water levels, IB about the impact on plants, IC about dangers to animals, and ID about effects on human health.
A. claim: 1st sub-problem/subpoint
1. evidence
– statistic, expert testimony, or example
– include your oral citation:
– introduce your source on the first mention, telling us who or what it is
– provide a signal (lead-in) phrase whenever you quote or paraphrase a source
– also provide in-text citations as you’d do in an essay
– note: The actual speech likely has 2-3 pieces of evidence for each claim; don’t over-rely on sources.
2. reasoning: connect the evidence to the point you’re supporting
(In your outline and speech, put a connective between each subpoint, or phrase the topic sentence for each claim to include transition words.)
B. claim: 2nd sub-problem/subpoint (or sub-subpoint)
or B1: For instance, if IC1 discussed a particular type of animal (such as mammals), IC2 might consider another type (such as fish). Subdividing your subpoints will affect the numbering and lettering; do your best with outline format.
1. evidence 2. reasoning C. (optional): 3rd sub-problem/subpoint (or sub-subpoint)
– The problem section of a Persuasive Speech usually has 2-4 sub-problems/subpoints. Each of those might have several sub-subpoints.
II. Move to the solution(s). example: Now that we understand the magnitude of the problem, let’s try preventing climate crisis as individuals and as a society. – This topic sentence also includes the connective instead of a separate connective before it. Your speech must have one or the other.
– Here, IIA might recommend individual solutions (what each listener could do), and IIB might recommend group or societal solutions, such as Federal laws that could be changed.
– If a subpoint has multiple sections or parts, your numbering and lettering will reflect that subdivision. (For instance, you might recommend several separate actions for individuals and for our society.)
A. claim: 1st solution/subpoint
1. evidence 2. reasoning B. claim: 2nd solution/subpoint (or sub-subpoint)
Works Cited list



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