Response paper #2 | English homework help

Instructions for Response Paper 2 

Review & read through the reading material on Dante and and his classic poem “The Divine Comedy.”  Gather information/ do the research specifically on his Nine Circles of Hell.  Select 2 or more of the circles / levels of hell to discuss in your paper. You can do a compare or contrast, or summarize and evaluate your chosen circles/levels as described by Dante. Be sure to explore his ideas on sin and punishment and demonstrate your understanding.  See the provided summaries and articles on Dante’s life in this folder.
DIRECTIONS:   All three of the following criteria must be included in your paper.
Explore two or more circles/levels in Dante’s journey through Hell, introduce then evaluate his views of each sin and punishment in the circles you choose.
Take a position- does the punishment fit the sin / Analyze, compare and explain the circles.
Discuss whether his ideas are relevant in society today.  
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.  Rephrase any information from articles in BB or online using YOUR own words, or put it as a direct quote using “quotation marks.” Simply changing a few words in a sentence taken from a source is not the same as rewording. Include citation (Author’s last name & page #) either for your paraphrased sentence or your quote. (See MLA citation guide)
Your paper needs to be:  Between 400 – 500 words, typed, double-spaced 12 pt. Times New Roman, with a heading, a title at the beginning, and a Works Cited page at the end of the essay if needed. Follow the MLA format for name/date… heading, in-text citations and works cited page.  Here is the link to Owl Purdue MLA Guidelines.  Â 
You need to submit the paper in 2 places in Blackboard (BB) 
1) Submit to Turnitin Submission – Use the Turnitin Submission link BELOW to submit your paper.  Click ViewComplete and follow the prompts and make sure to click on SUBMIT.
2) Submit to Signature Assignment Submission 2 – Use this link below to submit your paper a second time. (BOTH SUBMISSIONS ARE MANDATORY)
Include heading, title and an introduction for your paper that informs the reader of your topic. 
Double-space everything in your paper with 1 inch margins, and use a 12 pt. font. 
Always include an in-text citation for any quote or paraphrased ideas used in your paper. 
Use no more than TWO quotes in your paper.
DO NOT use a quote longer than 2 typed lines long. (Points will be taken off for this)
Do NOT say you found the information interesting or amazing. 
DO NOT USE terms like – “I will write about…, In my opinion, .. In my essay, I will discuss…, As I said…, I want to add…,” JUST WRITE.
Write a good Conclusion – Sum up your thoughts in a brief paragraph
side this folder, you will find information on Dante Alighieri and his most famous and revolutionary work, “The Divine Comedy.”
The Divine Comedy is Dante’s masterpiece. After writing for twelve years, Dante completed what he called Commedia in 1317 (the title Divine was add on after his death). Commedia is made up of three books, Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise. His work describes a pilgrim’s journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven. He describes each world to show what afterlife is like, and to encourage everyone to live better lives on Earth.   The pilgrim is Dante’s alter ego and he is taken on this trip at the request of Beatrice, his true love. Virgil guides Dante through Hell and Purgatory because Beatrice lives in Heaven and is not permitted to go down. Dante died in 1321, shortly after the completion of Comedia, but lives on to this day through his works.               
Dante was a very important figure in the Renaissance. He was alive before the Renaissance even started but had the thinking of a Renaissance man. The Divine Comedy was the first great work of literature and the first work with a personal interpretation since the fall of Rome. He is the first person to write a great work of literature for the people in their language. He wrote in a vernacular that we know today and Modern Italian. Since he was the first to write a great work of literature in Italian, he is considered the father of Italian since other writers followed in his steps and started to write in the language of the people. His work, The Divine Comedy, is still considered one of the three most important works of literature ever, because it showed civilization reemerged. It also marked the end of the Middle Ages and rule by the Catholic Church. Finally he is important because his work formed the bridge between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Though the subject matter of The Divine Comedy was still very religious like the Middle Ages, it was very creative, rebellious, and contained mythology, which was non-Catholic. All of those factors are all views of the Renaissance, which helped people push forward out of the Middle Ages. 
 The Divine Comedy ~ of Dante Alighieri   Search:            Divine Study         
  DANTE – Articles & Videos   Why is The Divine Comedy by Dante so famous? (Article with 2 min. Video)  ***Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell   (9:13 min) Brief History of Dante Alighieri  (13:48 min) Introduction to Divine Comedy (2:10 min.)   ———— Show this firstDante’s Inferno: A Trip Through Hell   (7:27 min)  ————– **************

  Circles of Hell in Dante’s Inferno         
  Revolutionary People from the Renaissance   Dante Alighieri  Dante was born in 1265 in Florence. He was born into a family with a complex involvement in Florentine politics.  At the age of nine, Dante meet Beatrice Portinari, who became his muse.  Dante said it was love at first sight, but unfortunately at the age of twelve, it was arrange he would marry  Gemma Donati, the daughter of a family friend. In 1285, Dante married Gemma, but he did not love her; he was in love with Beatrice. Sadly in 1890, Beatrice died, but she would live on and play a significant role in Dante’s work.         Five years after Beatrice’s death, Dante published his first book, The Vita Nuova (know as The New Life in English). Vita Nuova accounts his tragic love for Beatrice. The Vita Nuova was very notable at the time because it was the fist book to be written in verse and it was also written in Italian instead of Latin. Along with writing his book, Dante also became involved in politics after Beatrice’s death. He gained two posts in the government. However in 1302, the Black Guelfs seized power of Florence and exiled Dante for being on the White Guelfs side. He exile was to be for two years, but his exile was later extended to the rest of his life. Though Dante had been driven out of his home, but this would be the start of his most productive period.        During his exile, Dante lived throughout Italy while writing. He also conceived the idea of The Divine Comedy during the first years of his exile, but would not start working on it for several more years. He also wrote other books during his exile. While living in Bologna in 1304, he began to write De Vulgari Eloquentia (also known as The Eloquent Vernacular). In his book he urged that refined Italian, only used occasionally for writing, be improved with aspects of every spoken dialect in order to make Italian a serious literary language. Though he only completed two of the intended four books were completed, De Vulgari Eloquentia was influential because it helped unite the territories of Italy. He also wrote  Convivio  between 1304 and 1307. Convivio is a philosophical essay that personifies philosophy as a gentle woman and explains that Dante fell in love with philosophy after Beatrice died. He wrote the Convivio in order to defend his reputation, which had dropped after his exile, and to show his cultural value.  Convivio was never completed and only four of fifteen books were completed. The work was never finished because Dante stopped working on it to start The Divine Comedy. Though Concivio was never completed, Dante used many philosophical and political ideas in later works, especially The Divine Comedy. He took a break from writing The Divine Comedy and wrote the Monarchia. The Monarchia, written in Latin, is about monarchy. In the three books of Monarchia, he claims that the authority of the emperor is not dependent on the pope but descends upon him directly from God. Dante expressed that he believed the best form of government is a universal monarchy/ universal empire.  The Monarchia expressed political ideas that would later be used in The Divine Comedy.       The Divine Comedy is Dante’s masterpiece. After writing for twelve years, Dante completed what he called Commedia in 1317 (the title Divine was add on after his death). Commedia is made up of three books, Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise. His work describes a pilgrim’s journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven. He describes each “world” to show what afterlife is like, and to encourage everyone to live better lives on Earth.  The pilgrim is Dante’s alter ego and he is taken on this trip at the request of Beatrice, his true love. Virgil guides Dante through Hell and Purgatory because Beatrice lives in Heaven and is not permitted to go down. Dante died in 1321, shortly after the completion of Comedia, but lives on to this day through his works.       Dante was a very important figure in the Renaissance. He was alive before the Renaissance even started but had the thinking of a Renaissance man. The Divine Comedy was the first great work of literature and the first work with a personal interpretation since the fall of Rome. He is the first person to write a great work of literature for the people in their language. He wrote in a vernacular that we know today and Modern Italian. Since he was the first to write a great work of literature in Italian, he is considered the father of Italian since other writers followed in his steps and started to write in the language of the people. His work, The Divine Comedy, is still considered one of the three most important works of literature ever, because it showed civilization reemerged. It also marked the end of the Middle Ages and rule by the Catholic Church. Finally he is important because his work formed the bridge between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Though the subject matter of The Divine Comedy was still very religious like the Middle Ages, it was very creative, rebellious, and contained mythology, which was non-Catholic. All of those factors are all views of the Renaissance, which helped people push forward out of the Middle Ages.            Dante holding the Divine Comedy by the entrance to hell, purgatory and Florence with heaven above in the sky.       Dante’s Inferno      
  Extra Files on Dante’s Inferno   Here are some files on Dante that may be helpful as a resource for writing Response Paper 3.
A Beginner Guide to Dante summary.docx   
Circles of Hell in Dante info sheet.docx   
Dante’s Circles of Hell diagram.jpg   


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