Promoting Language and Literacy Development for PreK-4 Learners: A Culturally Responsive Lesson Plan Promoting Language and Literacy Development in Diverse Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Learners: Strategies, Assessment, and Professionalism


Hello, I am in need of help creating a lesson plan for a Prek-4 class (ages 4/5 year olds).Attached is important information from the syllabus! when creating the lesson Plan. The book is called
Our Diversity Makes Us Stronger
which is located on Youtube (Read alond version) ATTACHED IS THE LESSON PLAN TEMPLET.
Learner Outcomes or Objectives
This course is designed to enable students to do the following:
1.Describe the complex nature of language acquisition as a precursor to literacy and the typical and atypical development of linguistic competence in the areas of phonetics, semantics, syntax, morphology, phonology, and pragmatics (i.e., use of language to get needs and wants met and use of functional communication for social interaction) with a focus on the language development of diverse prekindergarten and kindergarten learners.
2.Identify and describe (a) specific language-based conditions, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and auditory processing disorders; (b) at-risk learning-related issues due to attention deficit disorders; and (c) the effects of disabling and at-risk conditions on young children, including on dual language and English learners’ language acquisition.
3.Identify and discuss intervention methods to promote speech and language development and literacy (reading and writing) development in children with varied abilities and from diverse cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
4.Identify and describe effective, evidence-based, culturally responsive assessment and instructional strategies and materials, including explicit instruction, differentiated instruction, flexible grouping, and the use of technologies, to promote diverse prekindergarten and kindergarten learners’ development in the following areas:
a.Oral Language for Diverse Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Learners
§speaking and listening
§phonemic and other phonological awareness skills, including phonemes, syllables, and rhyming
§learning of standard English by speakers of other languages and dialects
§creative thinking and expression, including storytelling, drama, choral and oral reading
b.Reading and Literature Appreciation for Diverse Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Learners
§phonemic and other phonological awareness skills, including phonemes, syllables, and rhyming
§concepts of print
§phonics, including an understanding of sound and symbol relationships, syllables, phonemes, morphemes, word analysis, and decoding skills
§vocabulary and concept development
§structure of the English language, including an understanding of syntax
§listening and reading comprehension strategies across content areas, including fiction and nonfiction text predicting, retelling, summarizing, and making connections with and beyond the text
§appreciation of a variety of literature, including fiction and nonfiction texts
§independent reading, including selecting fiction and nonfiction texts of appropriate yet engaging topics and reading levels
§visual literacy, including viewing, interpreting, analyzing, and representing information and concepts in visual form with or without the spoken or written word
c.Writing for Diverse Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Learners
§composing, including imaginative writing
§written expression
§usage and mechanics
§spelling, including stages of development, generalization of spelling study to writing, systematic spelling instruction, and purposes and limitations of invented spelling
§writing processes, including planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing
§writing and drawing for a variety of purposes and in a variety of modes, including narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and explanative
d.Technology for Diverse Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Learners
§using technology for process and product work with reading and writing, to communicate, and to learn
5.Plan, implement, and reflect on evidence-based, culturally responsive assessment and instruction that (a) recognizes the reciprocal nature of reading and writing; (b) promotes oral language (speaking and listening), reading, and writing in diverse prekindergarten and kindergarten learners; and (c) uses knowledge of how standards provide the core for teaching English to support prekindergarten and kindergarten learners’ achievement of the Virginia Standards of Learning in English and Virginia’s Early Learning and Development Standards.
6.Explain the importance of play-based learning in diverse prekindergarten and kindergarten learners’ language and literacy development and describe ways to promote language and literacy development during conversation and play.
7.Adapt task and interactions to maximize language development, conceptual understanding, and skill competence within each learner’s zone of proximal development.
8.Use strength-based language to discuss factors (e.g., social, cultural, linguistic, family, socioeconomic, affective, cognitive, and educational) that play a role in monolingual and multilingual language acquisition and literacy learning (reading and writing) in learners with varied abilities and from diverse cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
9.Identify and discuss formal and informal assessment for diverse prekindergarten and kindergarten learners, including screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring measures for (a) oral language; (b) reading, including phonemic awareness and other phonological awareness, letter recognition, vocabulary, reading levels, and comprehension; and (c) writing.
10.Discuss ways to use assessment data, including diagnostic and progress monitoring data, to inform instruction for acceleration, intervention, remediation, and differentiation.
11.Exhibit standards of professionalism, ethical standards, and personal integrity with children, families, and professionals in the field experience setting and in interactions with classmates, the instructor, the field experience coordinator, and others.
12.Use writing as an instructional and assessment tool to generate, gather, plan, organize, and to communicate for a variety of purposes; integrate correct written conventions (i.e., grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling); and format using current APA style.
Professional Standards
Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Teaching Standards, Division of Early Childhood (DEC) Initial Practice-Based Professional Preparation Standards for Early Interventionists/Early Childhood Special Educators (EI/ECSE), National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators, Virginia Professional Studies Endorsement Competencies, Virginia Early Childhood Special Education Endorsement Competencies, Virginia Early/Primary Education PreK-3 Endorsement Competencies



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