Progress Monitoring

Phonics Progress
Monitoring Tool
Phonics Inventory with Real and Nonsense Words

Phonics Progress Monitoring Tool
Directions This Phonics Progress Monitoring assessment is a tool for monitoring student
progress in decoding taught patterns.
The Phonics Progress Monitoring Tool should be used in concert with the
Decoding Survey. The Decoding Survey is a diagnostic assessment you can
use to determine where to begin instruction with each student. The Phonics
Progress Monitoring Tool should be used to monitor student mastery of
indiv idual patterns or skills.
NOTE: Administer only the section or sections that correspond with the
phonic patterns the student has been working on to see if instruction has
been effective and if they’re ready to move on. This assessment is
not intended to be given in its entirety.
Administration Directions:
Give the student the “Student Sheet” to read from.
Tell the student to read across both lines of words and try their best.
I f the student reads the word correctly, place a checkmark in the box
below. I f the student reads the word incorrectly, write the phonetic spelling
of what the student said in the box below the word.
Place the total number correct in the box that says “Total” on the Scoring

Ranges of Scores Real Words
Mastery Review Reteach
5 correct
3-4 correct
0-2 correct
• Please note the ranges for real words and nonsense words differ.
• Students may recognize real words from text, or prev ious exposure, therefore the criterion is higher than nonsense words.
• Write the total number correct in the “Total Score” box on the bottom right of the page.
Total Score
Nonsense Words Mastery Review Reteach
5-4 correct
3 correct
0-2 correct

Teacher Sheets

Short Vowel A Real Words
rag sap mat cab fan
Nonsense Words kab maf ral sav naj
Total Score
Short Vowel E Real Words
pen beg fed let wed
Nonsense Words mez heb dep bev kex
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Short Vowel I Real Words
lip him sit rid kin
Nonsense Words mif ril hiz kig bis
Total Score
Short Vowel O Real Words
hog fox not job cot
Nonsense Words loj dop tov roz pol
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Short Vowel U Real Words
pup nut tug cub gum
Nonsense Words wub duz vus fum nuk
Total Score
Short Vowels (All) Real Words
jam dog yum led hit
Nonsense Words kom fej nif vut bap
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Digraphs (initial ch, th, sh, wh) Real Words
that whiz chip sham thin
Nonsense Words choz shon shem thil whuf
Total Score
Digraphs (Final sh, ch, th, ck) Real Words
much sock hash rich bath
Nonsense Words fosh vech noth mick dach
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Consonant Blends (Initial -l) Real Words
clip glam plot blob slid
Nonsense Words plun blon flup cleg gloz
Total Score
Consonant Blends (Initial –r) Real Words
drum frog grim trap prom
Nonsense Words cral trov brin frez draf
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Real Words stop span scat skit smog
Nonsense Words smun scul skosh spuf stek
Consonant Blends (Initial s-)
Total Score
Consonant Blends (Final) Real Words
loft jump milk palm held
Nonsense Words tept rand hilm zift yosp
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Long Vowel A Real Words
pane case wage bake rate
zade vane mape fale sabe Nonsense Words
Total Score
Long Vowel I Real Words
wife pile bite tide ripe
fike jine lize mise zime Nonsense Words
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Long Vowel O Real Words
dome tone poke rose hole
gofe sote jone nofe moxe Nonsense Words
Total Score
Long Vowel U Real Words
tube dude huge cute rule
wuze vute zule nube duse Nonsense Words
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Vowel Teams (-ai-, -ay) Real Words
play fail maid rain day
vaik cray tay jaip glay Nonsense Words
Total Score
Vowel Teams (-au-, -aw-) Real Words
vault maul jaw haul caw
waw baw shauf daw zaun Nonsense Words
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Vowel Teams (-oa-, -oe-) Real Words
foe oat toe coal doe
moaf voe thoal roek zoan Nonsense Words
Total Score
Vowel Teams (-oi-, -oy) Real Words
coin boy foil joy toy
moy soip goy hoif proil Nonsense Words
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

R- Controlled Vowels Real Words
corn herd whirl farm urn
pard nurz clorp vern jirp Nonsense Words
Total Score
Variant Vowels Real Words
clown read pie crook ouch
shielf moul drow veak foon Nonsense Words
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Complex Consonants Real Words
gnaw circle page gym knit
Nonsense Words knafe gype cile gite gnef
Total Score
Multisyllabic: VCCV Words
Real Words magnet insect basket kidnap complex
Nonsense Words finchant hubtract lotten clanbet kennis
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Multisyllabic: VCV Words Real Words
pilot timid tripod comet elect
Nonsense Words droben flavish rudent nelon javen
Total Score
Multisyllabic: Vce Syllables
Real Words revoke expose pollute impede ozone
Nonsense Words crostume disuse exflode submime canflake
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Multisyllabic: Mixed Vowel Patterns Real Words
tender drowsy femur outside beneath
Nonsense Words mauflin nivlorn fankey stownid zighty
Total Score
Multisyllabic: -Cle Syllables
Real Words cradle rumble shackle temple guzzle
Nonsense Words findle prifle stamble tuttle dickle
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________

Multisyllabic: Words with Prefixes Real Words
inate react unlawful impress preamble
Nonsense Words disbount transmix depolish interlage subfit
Total Score
Real Words mined hazing flunked sensation ripen
Nonsense Words crings ristless zomed gliftly hendable
Total Score
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Name: _________________ Date: ___________
Multisyllabic: Words with Suffixes

Student Sheets

Short Vowel A Real Words
rag sap mat cab fan
Nonsense Words kab maf ral sav naj
Short Vowel E Real Words
pen beg fed let wed
Nonsense Words mez heb dep bev kex

Short Vowel I Real Words
lip him sit rid kin
Nonsense Words mif ril hiz kig bis
Short Vowel O Real Words
hog fox not job cot
Nonsense Words loj dop tov roz pol

Short Vowel U Real Words
pup nut tug cub gum
Nonsense Words wub duz vus fum nuk
Short Vowels (All) Real Words
jam dog yum led hit
Nonsense Words kom fej nif vut bap

Digraphs (initial ch, th, sh, wh) Real Words
this whiz chip sham thin
Nonsense Words choz shon shem thil whuf
Digraphs (Final sh, ch, th, ck) Real Words
much sock hash rich bath
Nonsense Words fosh vech noth mick dach

Consonant Blends (Initial -l) Real Words
clip glam plot blob slid
Nonsense Words plun blon flup cleg gloz
Consonant Blends (Initial –r) Real Words
drum frog grim trap prom
Nonsense Words cral trov brin frez draf

Consonant Blends (Initial s-) Real Words
stop span scat skit smog
Nonsense Words smun scul skosh spuf stek
Consonant Blends (Final) Real Words
loft jump milk palm held
Nonsense Words tept rand hilm zift yosp

Long Vowel A Real Words
pane case wage bake rate
Nonsense Words zade vane mape fale sabe
Long Vowel I Real Words
wife pile bite tide ripe
fike jine lize mise zime Nonsense Words

Long Vowel O Real Words
dome tone poke rose hole
gofe sote jone nofe moxe Nonsense Words
Long Vowel U Real Words
tube dude huge cute rule
wuze vute zule nube duse Nonsense Words

Vowel Teams (-ai-, -ay) Real Words
play fail maid rain day
vaik cray tay jaip glay Nonsense Words
Vowel Teams (-au-, -aw-) Real Words
vault maul jaw haul caw
waw baw shauf daw zaun Nonsense Words

Vowel Teams (-oa-, -oe-) Real Words
foe oat toe coal doe
moaf voe thoal roek zoan Nonsense Words
Vowel Teams (-oi-, -oy) Real Words
coin boy foil joy toy
moy soip goy hoif proil Nonsense Words

R- Controlled Vowels Real Words
corn herd whirl farm urn
pard nurz clorp vern jirp Nonsense Words
Variant Vowels Real Words
clown read pie crook ouch
shielf moul drow veak foon Nonsense Words

Complex Consonants Real Words
gnaw circle page gym knit
Nonsense Words knafe gype cile gite gnef
Multisyllabic: VCCV Words Real Words
magnet insect basket kidnap complex
Nonsense Words finchant hubtract lotten clanbet kennis

Multisyllabic: VCV Words Real Words
pilot timid tripod comet elect
Nonsense Words droben flavish rudent nelon javen
Multisyllabic: Vce Syllables Real Words
revoke expose pollute impede ozone
Nonsense Words crostume disuse exflode submime canflake

Multisyllabic: Mixed Vowel Patterns Real Words
tender drowsy outside femur beneath
Nonsense Words mauflin nivlorn fankey stownid zighty
Multisyllabic: -Cle Syllables Real Words
cradle rumble shackle temple guzzle
Nonsense Words findle prifle stamble tuttle dickle

Multisyllabic: Words with Prefixes Real Words
inate react unlawful gym knit
Nonsense Words disbount transvict depolish interlage subfit
Multisyllabic: Words with Suffixes
Real Words mined hazing flunked sensation ripen
Nonsense Words crings ristless zomed gliftly hendable


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