Progress Check: Analyzing the Effectiveness of Drugs in Preventing Recurrence of Depression Progress Check: Analyzing the Effectiveness of Drugs in Preventing Recurrence of Depression Formative Assessments with StatCrunch


Progress Check
Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Create a contingency table in StatCrunch.
Use conditional percentages to analyze the data in a contingency table.
Draw conclusions based on the analysis of the data in a contingency table.
Use the drop-down menu to learn about the three steps needed to complete this assignment.
Three steps to complete the assignment
Clinical depression is a recurrent illness requiring treatment and often hospitalization. Nearly 50% of people who have an episode of major depression will have a recurrence within 2-3 years. Being able to prevent the recurrence of depression in people who are at risk for the disease would go a long way to alleviate the pain and suffering of patients.
During the 1980s the federal government, through the National Institutes of Health (NIH), sponsored a large clinical trial to evaluate two drugs for depression. There were 3 treatment groups. Patients received either Imipramine (Imip), Lithium (Li), or a Placebo (Pl). Researchers randomly assigned patients to one of the 3 treatment groups and followed them for 2-4 years to track any recurrences of depression.
(Prien et al., Archives of General Psychiatry, 1984).
Hospt: Which hospital the patient was from: Labeled 1, 2, 3, 5 or 6
Treat: 0=Lithium; 1=Imipramine; 2=Placebo
Outcome: 0=Success 1=Failure (recurrence of depression)
Time: Number of weeks until a recurrence (if outcome=1) or until study ended (if outcome=0)
AcuteT: How long the patient was depressed before the start of the current study, measured in days
Age: Age in years
Gender: 1=Female 2=Male
If you have not already done so, open the depression data set in the Stats at Cuyamaca College group on StatCrunch (directions – opens in a new tab). Prompt
We will analyze the data to answer the 1st research question: Which of the drugs (if either) was more successful in preventing the recurrence of depression relative to the placebo?
In the previous lab-preparation activity, we determined that we will analyze the data using a two-way table and conditional percentages.
Question 1
Use StatCrunch to produce a two-way contingency table. (directions)
To create a meaningful table with your response, complete each of the following.
Copy the table in your StatCrunch output window and paste it into the textbox. (directions)
After you paste the content of your StatCrunch output window into the textbox, keep the table titled Contingency table results: and delete the Chi-Square results: table.
Make your contingency table more meaningful to the reader. Use the Treat and Outcome variable descriptions (provided above in the Variables section) to replace the numeric row labels and the numeric column labels with meaningful words. How do we replace the row and column labels? After you copy and paste the contingency table into your response, click in an appropriate table cell, delete the numeric label, and type the appropriate word label.
Question 2
Analyze the data in your two-way table by finding appropriate conditional percentages. Write each conditional percentage as a ratio (e.g. 25 out of 40) and as a percentage (e.g. 25/40 = 62.5%). Then write a sentence that explains the meaning of the percentage in the context of the research question.
Question 3
Draw a conclusion. Based on this study, which drug was the most effective in preventing the recurrence of depression? Support your conclusion using conditional percentages.
List of StatCrunch Directions
Click here for StatCrunch Directions
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Formative Assessments w/ StatCrunch
Formative Assessments w/ StatCrunch
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswering the Prompt
8 ptsFull Credit
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to address each part of the Prompt. Either in the first draft or the optional final draft, all parts of the Prompt are addressed and the responses demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the Progress Check section of the assignment. The answers are correct. The writing/work is clear. The explanation/work is reasonable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
6.5 ptsMostly Correct
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to address most of the Prompt. In the optional final draft all parts of the Prompt are addressed, and the responses demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the Progress Check section of the assignment. The answers are mostly correct. The writing/work is clear. The explanation/work is reasonable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
3.5 ptsOne or more incorrect
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to respond to a smaller portion of the Prompt. In the first draft or the optional final draft, one or more parts of the Prompt are not addressed or are incorrect. Or, answers do not demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the Progress Check section of the assignment. Or, answers are correct, but the writing/work is unclear, incorrect, or difficult to follow.
0 ptsNo Marks
The first submission does not demonstrate a good-faith effort to address the Prompt.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatCrunch
2 ptsFull Credit
StatCrunch graphs and/or tables are correct and embedded with your work.
1 ptsPartial Credit
StatCrunch graphs and/or tables are incorrect or missing important information.
0 ptsNo Credit
No StatCrunch information is embedded with your post. Or all StatCrunch work is incorrect.
2 pts
Total Points: 10



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