NURS 360


College of Nursing
NURS 360 Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Individual Significance Paper
Name:___________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Learning Outcomes:
1. The student will gain proficiency in accessing appropriate publicly available health databases.
2. The student will gain proficiency in interpreting the data obtained from these databases.
3. The student will demonstrate competence in searching, retrieving, and critiquing literature related to selected topic.
4. The student will develop a well-written significance paper that persuades the reader of the need to affect change.
QSEN Competency Category: Evidence based practice
Key Concept: Evidence based practice
Learner Level: Intermediate
Assignment Description:
The significance paper offers a student the opportunity to delve into county, state, regional, and national databases/websites seeking credible information to create a persuasive argument about a specific healthcare topic/problem. Students may select topics/problems by reviewing the following sites:
· For links to statistical sites check the Health Statistics tab on: Nursing 360 Research Guide
· Please watch the Library tutorial “Finding Statistics” (in NURS 360 D2L course).
Based on the purpose of the significance paper, students should consider the most recent sources to illustrate need. The focus of the references should be on statistics and current needs and may consist solely of governmental and organizational websites. The purpose of the significance paper is NOT to present research related to the topic. The significance paper is limited to 3 pages (Page 1-2- text; Page 3- references only).
Evaluation Description: The evaluation description for the significance paper is worth 30 points. See schedule for due date. See following pages for rubric.
Evaluation Description for Significance Paper- Individual (30 points):


Fulfills All Expectations 2.5 points

Meets Some Expectations 1.25 points

Does Not Meet Expectations 0 point

Introduction of topic/problem, including description or definition to topic/problem.

Topic clearly stated and described or defined; citations included as appropriate.

Topic is unclear, including not described or defined.

Introduction and description/definition not included.

Statistics: incidence & prevalence

Adequate, most current, and relevant statistics included

Inadequate, irrelevant, or not most current statistics used

Statistics not included.

Statistics: morbidity (e.g. risk of next event: complications or likelihood of reoccurrence), and mortality rates.

Adequate, most current, and relevant statistics included

Inadequate, irrelevant, or not most current statistics used

Statistics not included.

Financial (e.g. cost per event, length of stay in system, cost not covered by insurance, or workforce cost [e.g., hours and patient day]).

Financial burden is clearly and adequately described.

Financial burden is unclear or inadequately described.

Financial burden not included.

Psychosocial burden (e.g. to the individual, family, community, or society)

Psychosocial burden is clearly and adequately described.

Psychosocial burden is unclear or inadequately described.

Psychosocial burden not included.


Fulfills All Expectations 5 points

Meets Some Expectations 2.5 points

Does Not Meet Expectations 0 point

Proposal of how to resolve the concern addressing primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention

Clearly and adequately stated; identifies examples for all three levels of prevention

Unclear; does not identify examples for all three levels of prevention

Prevention proposal not included.


Fulfills All Expectations 2.5 points

Meets Some Expectations 1.25 points

Does Not Meet Expectations 0 point


Conclusion is clearly and adequately stated; final sentence confirms the importance; citations included as appropriate

Conclusion is unclear; final sentence does not indicate importance; citations excluded

Conclusion not included.

Includes evidence from a minimum of one government statistical site (.gov sources); one professional organization (.org or .net sources).

Includes a minimum of one appropriate source from a government statistical site and a professional organization.

Does not include a minimum of one of each source (.gov and org/.net).

References not included.

Minimum of an additional 3 appropriate and most current references from peer-reviewed journals or reputable web sites; no original research articles or .com sources used

Included a minimum of an additional 3 appropriate and most current references.

Less than 3 references used, outdated references, or inappropriate references used (e.g. original research articles or .com websites).

References not included.

Formatting Requirements:

5 points

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 point


1. Title page, 2 pages content, Double-spaced with 11 Calibri font, and one-inch margins.
2. Proper spelling, grammar, sentence structure; Well-written with logical flow and transitions.
3. Citations formatted per APA manual 7th Edition with correct paraphrases or direct quotes (Max of 2 direct quotes).
4. Reference page: formatted according to APA manual 7th edition.
5. (submitted to for writing assistance, feedback included in Dropbox). Clean copy of paper (without tutor feedback) submitted as Word document name file as “Last name first initial_semester_year” (SmithJ_Spring_22).

Meets all 5 formatting requirements with only minor formatting errors.

Meets 4 formatting requirements with only minor formatting errors.

Meets 3 formatting requirements OR
Several errors in 1 formatting requirement.

Meets 2 formatting requirements OR
Several errors in 1 – 2 formatting requirements.

Meets 1 formatting requirements OR
Numerous errors in 1 – 2 formatting requirements or there is a lack of citations in two sections of the paper.

Does not meet any of the formatting requirements OR
Numerous errors in 1 – 3 formatting requirements or there is a lack of citations throughout the paper.

Overall Score

Fulfills All Expectations
28 or more points

Meets Some Expectations
25 or more points

Meets Some Expectations
23 or more points

Does Not Meet Expectations
0 or more points

A well-written significance paper that persuades the reader of the need to affect change. 

Significance paper needs minor revisions to persuade the reader of the need to affect change. 

Significance paper needs moderate revisions to persuade the reader of the need to affect change. 

Significance paper needs major revisions.

Updated 8/25/2023 DMS


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