Negotiation and Mediation

Research Paper Requirements
Specific Research Paper Requirements
Please note the following specific requirements for the research paper. They are to appear in the order that they are listed:
1. A Title Page with:
a. The paper title which should include the subject of the paper
b. Your name, the course, and the date
2. An Introduction
3. A well organized Body divided into Sections and Subsections
4. A Conclusion or Summary
5. A Reference or Bibliography section
Additional Requirements
These additional requirements are geared toward producing the final printed work:
· 1 inch margins only
· 12 point font
· Double spaced lines
· Sections and subsections divided by one blank line
· No blank lines between paragraphs in the same section
· Single spaced references/bibliography
· No one-sentence paragraphs
· Number all pages except the Title Page
Grading Criteria
Below are the criteria that will be used to grade the research paper. Please read through this section carefully before and after completing your paper so that you do not needlessly lose points.
1. Paper Content
The content of the paper must be relevant to the course. The topic can be subject in negotiation or mediation found in the textbook. Topics that are unrelated to the course subject should not be chosen. If the content of the paper is of poor quality, the final grade for the paper will be severely affected
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: Up to 100%
2. Paper Length
Paper length refers to the total number of text pages, excluding all figures, graphics, maps, and references. The paper length listed in the syllabus (4-5 pages) refers to the minimum number of full pages that are required. Papers can exceed this minimum requirement by one or two pages. Please include page numbers only on body of the paper. Title pages, table of contents, references, etc… should not be numbered.
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: Up to 5%
3. Number of Sources
The number of sources used in a paper reflects the researcher’s level of effort and understanding of the topic, provided they have read the material. All sources listed on the REFERENCES page must be cited in the text . In other words do not simply list your sources at the end of the paper without first referencing them where appropriate in the text of your paper. You should have a minimum of four sources.
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: Up to 5%
4. Introduction and Conclusion/Summary
All papers must include a 1 to 2 paragraph Introduction and Conclusion or Summary. The Introduction must introduce the topic, address what points will be covered, state the time frame, and any other information that will help the reader understand the point of the research. It is here that the research question or topic should be clearly stated. The Summary should briefly re-state the main points of the paper and address any issues raised by the research.
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: 2% for each.
5.. Use of Personal Pronouns
Papers should be written in the abstract or third person. Do not use personal pronouns (you, I, me). Rather than writing, “The reason why you never…” try to restructure the sentence to remove the personal pronoun.
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: 2%
6. Paper Organization
The paper must be organized into sections, and further into sub-sections where appropriate. Each section and sub-section should have a heading. If your paper is disorganized, difficult to follow, rambling, or unduly boring points will be taken off.
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: 2%
7. Internet Sources
While Internet sources can be a valuable addition to research, no more than 3 of the 4 sources cited can be
Internet web pages. Do not use personal, business, or other Internet sites that have biased agendas. If using Internet pages as research sources follow the citation method listed below. On-line journals are treated the same as standard journals (they are not considered internet pages).
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: 2%
8. Grammar/Sentence Structure/Spelling
Good grammar and/or sentence structure is critical for conveying ideas and information correctly, without misinterpretation. Excessive bad grammar, misspellings, and/or poor sentence structure will result in lost points. Avoid run-on sentences, one sentence paragraphs, excessive use of jargon, and writing “as you speak.”
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: Up to 10%
9. Excessive Quotations
The use of direct quotations should be limited only to those that add substance to the paper. Excessive direct quotations show that the writer either cannot paraphrase or is lazy.
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: 3%
10. Padding
Padding refers to using inappropriate techniques to increase the length of a research paper. Excessively wide margins (>1”), superfluous bullet or number lists, excessive spacing between headings or paragraphs are all examples of padding. A small amount of padding may be excused due to computer formatting or trying to make your paper “look” good. Excessive padding with lists or blank lines is unacceptable.
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: 3%
11. Reference Citation Format
All sources listed in the REFERENCE section of the paper must be cited in the text of the paper or as the source information for maps, figures, etc… Please use the Chicago Style Manual format for citations. Below is an example of the standard citation format:
Standard citation in the paper…
The effects of a succession of epidemics must be measured not only in mortality, but also in their secondary effects, which may be even more far-reaching (Zinsser, 1934, pg. 52).
Standard citation in the references…
Zinsser, Hans. 1934. Rats, Lice, and History. New York: Little, Brown and Company.
Article in an edited book in the paper…
… evidence for infection has been found in many other mammals (Burgdorfer, 1980, pg. 282).
Article in an edited book in the references…
Burgdorfer, A. S. (1980). Spotted fever-group diseases. In J. H. Steele (Ed .), Section A:
Bacterial, rickettsial, and mycotic disease (pp. 279-302, Vol. II). C.R.C. handbook series in zoonosis, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Government document in the paper…
According to the U.S. Census Bureau (1990, pg. 47) Shippensburg, Pennsylvania has approximately 5200 permanent residents.
Government document in the references…
U.S. Census Bureau. (1990). 1990 Census of Population and Housing. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
WWW citation in the paper…
The World Health Organization and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimate that, worldwide, as many as 42 million people have been infected with HIV since the pandemic’s onset (CDC Internet Site, 1998).
WWW citation in the references…
CDC. (1998). Addressing the Global Epidemic: CDC’s International Activities. CDC Internet Site ( National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention. Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention.
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: Up to 5%
12. Research Paper Deadlines
Grade loss for not meeting this requirement: 5% per day late


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