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Too often, when we read the words on a page we do not fully integrate that new information into our existing knowledge structure. Research in cognitive science and learning tells us that “deep learning” requires that the learner reflect on new knowledge and create personal meaning from it. To help us reflect more deeply on readings in this course, we will use reading reflections.
For each of the two main readings for the week (see below for which readings), you must respond to two of the following three questions:
What is the Main Point? Reading assignments often contain a lot of information. What is the main concept that the author is trying to get across? This may, or may not, have been explicitly stated in the reading. Why did the author choose to emphasize this point, and not some other? Your response is not a summary of the chapter, but an analysis of it in a way that creates new meaning for you.
What is Surprising? Your response to this question should be reflective. Did you learn something that is in conflict with your previous notions of the world? Did you learn something that fascinates you in a way that you didn’t expect? How does this new knowledge connect with material in other courses, or with other parts of your life? Responses must also clearly explain “why.”
What is Confusing? Responses to this question require careful reading and reflection; it is only though the process of reconciling new information with our existing knowledge structure that we become aware of inconsistencies, or “gaps” in our understanding. Responses to this question should be specific and actionable – that is they should outline a clear path to understanding. Responses must also clearly explain “why.”
Additional Assignment Notes:
● Please clarify which reading you are reflecting on. This can be with a heading or with a simple statement of the article title and author. Use of direct quotes from the reading is encouraged, but not required. If you do use a direct quote, please use a page number.
● Be sure to reflect on BOTH of the week’s primary readings using the questions above to guide you.
● For EACH of the two journal articles/book chapters for the week, you should write between 500-750 words reflecting on the reading material. This means a total of 1000-1500 words for each weekly reflection.
● Please use complete sentences and pay attention to the word count. All other formatting decisions are up to you.
● Reflections can include references to the lecture, hypothesis or assigned media content, but the main goal of this assignment is for you to demonstrate

your engagement with the sociological research articles assigned for class. This term, these are:
○ Week 1 Readings: Delaney & Madigan 2021 and Townsend & Cushion 2021
○ Week 2: Oluo 2020 and Carter-Francique & Richardson 2016 ○ Week 3: Weaving & Samson 2018 and Newhall 2021 ○ Week 4: Broussard 2020 and Fenton et al. 2023


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