History 11

Learning Goal: I’m working on a history discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. History 11 Discussion 6, Benjamin Franklin is known for his wisdom and common sense. After reading his autobiography up to this point, do you agree or disagree that he possessed wisdom and common sense? Support your argument with examples from what you have read. Write a minimum of 6 sentences. How and why did canals, railroads, and steamships improve the economy of the United States in the early 19th century? Write a 6-sentence paragraph. Considering what you have learned about capitalism and slavery in the colonial period and early republic, do you think that the current wealth and power of the United States has any connection to the working classes and slaves from that era? Explain your position in a 6-sentence paragraph. Discussion 7 Click on the ‘Key Terms’ link for chapter 10. Choose two terms from the sixteen terms listed, and explain in your own words what those terms mean. Write 3 sentences for each term. What were the legal and military actions taken by the American government and President Jackson to address relations with Native Americans? Write a 6-sentence paragraph. After reading the history of the Bank of the United States, do you think that today the federal government should regulate banks more strictly, or do you think that there should be fewer restrictions on what banks are allowed to do? Discussion 8, Utopia The discusses Utopian visions and reform movements of early U.S. history. Have you ever considered what your utopia would be? In this discussion, we’ll try something different. Imagine it is 1840, and you and your followers want to start a new community. Please design your own utopia following these instructions: 1. Write the name and give the location of your utopia. Please make sure that it’s within the U.S. boundaries of 1840 (California, Texas, Hawai’i, and Alaska would be excluded). 2. How do you make your living? 3. What is your policy on children? 4. What is your policy on marriage? 5. How will you defend yourselves? 6. What form of governance will you have? 7. What are your religious beliefs, if any? 8. Finally, design a flag and post it. Use this to create the flag Remember, it’s 1840! No electricity. No cars, etc. Post your utopian vision. Read the other utopian visions, and when you have found the utopia you think is the best one, send me an e mail with your vote. You don’t have to post responses, but you may. You must vote to earn credit for the assignment. YOU MAY NOT VOTE FOR YOUR OWN UTOPIA (otherwise we’d have a tie, with everyone receiving one vote). The top 5% of the vote getters will receive 20 points extra credit. include the name of the person and the title of their utopia. Discussion 9, 1. The Civil War was fought in two general areas, known as the Eastern Theater and the Western Theater. Describe one battle that was fought in each theater, and describe one of the commanding officers that fought in the battles. 4-6 sentences minimum. 2. Go to the following website, which is a site maintained by the Library of Congress. Choose one of the primary sources on Abraham Lincoln and read it or view it. Afterwards, describe it in a 4-6 sentence paragraph. If you can’t get the link to work, just send me an e mail. This is the first time I’m trying this resource out. 3. If you had been alive during the time of the Civil War, which would you have preferred to have been and why?: 1. A Union foot soldier 2. A Confederate officer 3. A runaway slave working as a spy 4. A wealthy northener that paid $300 to get out of the army 5. A woman hiding her lover, a man that recently deserted from the army. 6. A female nurse working in field hospitals near battlefields. 7. A smuggler running goods into the South from Mexico or Cuba. Write a minimum 6 sentence paragraph explanation. Discussion 10, 1. After having read Benjamin Franklin’s work, explain how it affected your understanding of colonial history in America. Write a minimum of 4-6 sentences and cite at least one sentence from Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography. 2. Explain what the Ku Klux Klan was and the methods employed by members of the Klan to achieve their goals. Also go to the , read an example of a report of assault from 1868, and describe what you learned. 3. Some historians consider the 14th amendment as “the single most significant act of the Reconstruction era”. Read the 14th amendment . The first section grants U.S. citizenship to every person born in the United States. The law was written to protect slaves from bondage by making them equal before the law. Considering trends in global migration and economy, would you change this law today if you could? Why or why not? Write 6 sentence paragraph to support your arguments. 11 Field Trip Assignment at Rancho Dominguez Adobe Carson, California This assignment is for posting your field trip written assignment. The instructions for the field trip are as follows: 1. Visit one of the listed places. 2. Write an essay on your visit. 3. Take at least 5 photographs of the visit, with one including yourself in front of the location. 4. Make one sketch of an object or a building. The quality of the sketch will be taken into account for your grade, you should spend 20-30 minutes on your sketch. The entire work should be saved as a Google Doc Rancho Dominguez Adobe (Carson), California. 1. Your essay should explain the trip from your personal point of view, and it should detail your experience. Explain a little of what you learned, but do not list only historical information or detailed time lines. Write about your impression of the location, surprises or disappointments, and what knowledge or wisdom you acquired. 1,000 words is about 3 pages double spaced in Google Docs. I encourage you to bring family members or loved ones 2. Post a minimum of five digital photographs to your discussion. Include yourself in front of the location in one of the pictures. If you want to post any video, please try to keep it under 3 minutes, and please embed the video on the discussion board in your post. Share on Facebook Tweet Follow us This question has been answered. Get Answer


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