High Leverage Practice


High Leverage Practices in Special Education: Practices and Videos
Directions and log template:
In partnership with the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR), the Council for Exceptional Children has developed and published a set of High Leverage Practices (HLPs) for special educators and teacher candidates. The HLPs are organized around four aspects of practice:
· Collaboration
· Assessment
· Social/emotional/behavioral
· Instruction
See the introductory video at – https://youtu.be/y0iGKOq8UXk-
For your final field placement course, we will focus on instruction. https://highleveragepractices.org/instruction/
The HLP practices should be integrated in your lesson plans. The expectation is that you will be able to utilize these in your professional practice in the schools. When the faculty advisor comes to observe you in your school- they will be looking for evidence of these practices. There are 12 practices that you will be expected to use during your field placement course. You do NOT need to use all of these during each observation but you will keep a log of how and when you did use the practice.
For this assignment, you will keep a log of the practices that you have implemented in your teaching. This can be in daily instruction or in official observations. You will keep a log of the practice used and reflect upon it. You can add to the template as needed to include as much information as you choose to include (but at a minimum answer the questions in each box). Please make sure this assignment is typed and the attached template is used. The assignment will be uploaded to Canvas at the end of the course.
High Leverage Practices for Special Education Log
**The log will be kept for each time you use one of the high leverage practices. You may add additional rows if you use the practice in more than one way during the semester. Use the website and resources in Canvas to help understand each practice. The following must be used:

Specific Date or is it used every day

High Leverage Practice Used

How was the practice used? Give a brief description of how you used the practice. If it is used daily, please note that and explain how it is used daily.

Results (what was learned? What happened as a result? What changed? What needs to happen?, ect)

HLP 11: Identify and prioritize long- and short-term learning goals  

HLP 12: Systematically design instruction toward a specific learning goal.  

HLP 13: Adapt curriculum tasks and materials for specific learning goals.  

HLP 14: Teach cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support learning and independence.  

HLP 15: Provide scaffolded supports.  

HLP 16: Use explicit instruction.  

HLP 17: Use flexible grouping.  

HLP 18: Use strategies to promote active student engagement.  

HLP 19: Use assistive and instructional technologies.  

HLP 20: Provide intensive instruction.  

HLP 21: Teach students to maintain and generalize new learning across time and settings.  

HLP 22: Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students’ learning and behavior.

Use of High Leverage Practices in Special Education Checklist




High leverage practices:
· Each practice was used consistently
· Date or dates were noted for each


· How was the practice used?
· Each use of a strategy was described in detail


· What was learned?
· What happened as a result?
· What changed?
· What needs to happen?






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