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This question is for 2 papers (assignment 2 and assigment 3) and a power point presentation (assignment 4)
I need all 3 assignments completed by Saturday 12/13/2014.  Assignment 2 builds off assignment 1 which I have attached, and assignment 3 builds off assignment 2 etc.

Assignment 2:
Assignment 2: International Insecurity and the Use of Force
Incorporate the professor’s feedback from Assignment 1 in order to proficiently develop Assignment 2.
Use scholarly journal articles and/or Strayer academic databases to complete additional research on your selected topic. Use the major international political event that you selected for Assignment 1 in order to complete this assignment. 
Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question (except Question 5) under the following section headings:
Part II: International Insecurity and the Use of Force of [Name of Select Major International Event]
The Media, the People, and Public Opinion (for Question 1)
The Impact of Foreign Policies (for Question 2)
International Insecurity (for Question 3)
Use of Force (for Question 4)
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you separate the content into sections:
Explain the fundamental manner in which transnational actors, interest groups, public opinion, and the media have influenced your chosen event. Provide relevant examples of such influence in action to support your response.
Discuss which foreign policies developed by the main participants played a role in your chosen event. Evaluate the extent to which the chosen policies impacted your chosen event. Provide examples of the impact to support your rationale.
Analyze the key role(s) that international insecurity played in the development of your chosen event. Provide a rationale for your response.
Analyze whether or not the use of force concept was used in your chosen event.  Argue whether or not the use or non-use of force concept was justified. Provide examples where force was used to support your rationale. 
Use at least three (3) additional quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Evaluate the theories and systems of international politics. 
Analyze how international politics influences the various levels of public administration and its effects on groups and individuals.
Differentiate among international conflict, security, terrorism, military force, weapons of mass destruction, and their effects on war and peace. 
Analyze the major developments in international politics and how they have evolved.Use technology and information resources to research issues in international public administration.
Use technology and informatoin resources to research issues in international public administration.
Write clearly and concisely about international public administration using proper writing mechanics.
Assignment 3:
Assignment 3: The Economy, Global Finance, and Inequality
Incorporate the professor’s feedback from Assignment 2 in order to proficiently develop Assignment 3. Use scholarly journal articles and/or Strayer academic databases to complete additional research on your selected topic. Use the major international political event that you selected for Assignment 1 in order to complete this assignment.
Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question (except Question 5) under the following section headings:
Part III: The Economy, Global Finance, and Inequality of [Name of Select Major International Event]
The Economy (for Question 1)
Global Finance (for Question 2)
Inequality (for Question 3)
Conclusion (for Question 4)
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you separate the content into sections:
Evaluate the extent to which your chosen event impacted the international political economy (e.g., international and domestic trade, currency exchange system, debt, and capital). Provide relevant examples of such an economic impact—or lack thereof—to support your response.
Assess the extent to which your chosen event impacted global finance (e.g., GDP, direct investments, fiscal and monetary policies, and the balance of trade). Provide relevant examples of such an economic impact—or lack thereof—to support your response.
Discuss the role that global inequality and poverty have played in your chosen event. Provide examples of these roles to support your rationale.
Create recommendations that you believe would aid the main participants in your chosen event in developing policies to prevent a repeat occurrence of your event in the future.
Use three (3) additional quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze the major developments in international politics and how they have evolved.
Assess how the major assumptions of international relations have shaped public policy.
Evaluate the key economic concepts and theories in international politics including global trade, finance, and inequality.
Predict the trends of global governance and its influence on the world population.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in international public administration.
Write clearly and concisely about international public administration using proper writing mechanics.
Power point:
·         Assignment 4: PowerPoint Presentation
o   Incorporate the professor’s feedback from Assignment 3 in order to proficiently develop Assignment 4. Use scholarly journal articles and/or Strayer databases to complete additional research on your selected topic. Use the major international political event that you selected for Assignment 1 in order to complete this assignment. 
o   Use the basic outline below to draft your presentation. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings:
o   Part IV:[Name of Select Major International Event] (for Question 1-5)
o   Introduction (for Question 6a)
o   Background (for Question 6b)
o   International Organizations and Actors (for Question 6c)
o   International Law (for Question 6d)
o   Global Health (for Question 6e)
o   A Look at the Future (for Question 6f)
o   Create a six to eight (6-8) slide presentation in which you separate the content into sections:
o   Present your findings using the Microsoft PowerPoint software with at least ten (10) topics / slides in your presentation.
o   Include a title slide and references section (Note: These two [2] slides are not part of the ten (10) slide requirement).
o   Develop a creative, appealing presentation using your chosen tool for a professional audience, using two to three (2-3) colors, two to three (2-3) fonts, and two to three (2-3) other visuals.
o   Provide coherent, clear, organized, and substantive content that can be easily understood by the audience.
o   Provide audio narration of the presentation slides as if you were delivering the speech (Note: If you do not have access to a microphone, then you should provide detailed speaker notes with your presentation.)
o   Create a section of the presentation (six [6] slides) in which you:
·         Provide a brief description of your chosen event.
·         Describe the population and its influence on crime, health, and environmental problems.
·         Discuss the influence of all international organizations and transactional actors and its role in peace keeping missions and  
§  enforcement.
·         Examine international law, and explain how EUs, IGOs, and/or NGOs have addressed acts of piracy, weapons of mass destruction,
§  and human rights.
·         Identify any disease(s) that may have impacted your event and assess the role of IGOs and NGOs in dealing with global health
§  problems.
·         Examine the likelihood of conflict and cooperation in the future.
o   Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
o   A minimum of ten (10) PowerPoint slides, with one or two (1 or 2) devoted to each of the topics in items 2-4 above. Slides should abbreviate the information in no more than five or six (5 or 6) bullet points each.
o   In the Notes View of each PowerPoint slide, incorporate the notes you would use when presenting the slides to an audience. 
o   Slide titles should be based on the criteria described above (e.g., “Four Key Attributes,” “Responses to Budget Issues,” etc.)
o   In addition to the content slides required, include a title slide and a reference slide. The title slide must contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. The reference slide should list, in APA format, the sources you consulted in writing the paper. 
o   The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
o   Analyze how international politics influences the various levels of public administration and its effects on groups and individuals.
o   Differentiate among international conflict, security, terrorism, military force, weapons of mass destruction, and their effects on war and peace. 
o   Give examples of International Government Organizations (IGOs) and the various roles of their key players. 
o   Examine the sources and enforcement of international law. 
o   Use technology and information resources to research issues in international public administration.
o   Write clearly and concisely about international public administration using proper writing mechanics.


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