Global Health Observatory

Explore the World Health Organization – Global Health Observatory: Under “Explore a word of health data”, click on the button titled: Countries.

Section 1: This section can be put into table format.

Pick two countries to compare with the United States. For all three countries, identify the following information:

  • The life expectancy at birth
  • The healthy life expectancy at birth
  • The leading causes of death and illness for males and females
  • The population of each country
  • The completeness of birth and death registration for the countries
  • The gross domestic product per capita (can be found at the top of the page for each county)
  • The expenditure on health as % of GDP (can be found at the top of the page for each county)
  • Using the World Bank Data:, identify the infant mortality rates of each country.

Section 2:

  • In the countries that you chose, do you see a correlation between economic status and the health of the population? Explain your answer and give specifics.
  • Read Coronavirus is exposing all of the weaknesses in the US health system

The international response to the novel coronavirus has laid this bare: America was less prepared for a pandemic than countries with universal health systems”. (D. Scott, Vox). Agree? disagree? Why?

In reflecting upon this assignment and the course readings on global health, why must we as nurses in the U.S. think globally regarding health, illness, and disease? How can we as a profession use our “power” our voice —to make an impact so needed in our world?

For Section 1:

  1. Life Expectancy and Healthy Life Expectancy: Compare the life expectancy at birth and healthy life expectancy at birth for the United States and the two other countries you choose.
  2. Leading Causes of Death and Illness: Research and compare the leading causes of death and illness for males and females in each country.
  3. Population: Gather the population data for each country.
  4. Completeness of Birth and Death Registration: Determine the completeness of birth and death registration for each country.
  5. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita: Note the GDP per capita for each country.
  6. Expenditure on Health: Find out the expenditure on health as a percentage of GDP for each country.
  7. Infant Mortality Rate: Use the World Bank Data to identify the infant mortality rates for each country.

For Section 2:

  • Correlation Between Economic Status and Health: Analyze whether there is a correlation between economic status (measured by GDP per capita and health expenditure) and health outcomes (such as life expectancy, infant mortality rate, and leading causes of death). Look for trends and patterns in the data you collected.
  • Agree or Disagree with the Statement: Assess whether you agree or disagree with the statement from the Vox article regarding the preparedness of the US health system compared to countries with universal health systems. Support your stance with evidence and reasoning.

Regarding the reflection question about thinking globally regarding health, illness, and disease as nurses in the US:

  • Nurses in the US must think globally because health issues transcend borders, and diseases can quickly spread globally. Understanding global health challenges helps nurses provide better care and contribute to global health initiatives.
  • As a profession, nurses can use their power and voice to advocate for policies that address global health disparities, promote health equity, and support international cooperation in healthcare. They can engage in research, education, and advocacy to raise awareness and drive positive change on a global scale.

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