Final Project Milestone One

First, review your work on Module Two journal assignment, in which you practiced deconstructing images by identifying design elements of a particular media artifact and evaluated how these elements affect the artifact’s target audience.
Next, using the  Final Project PowerPoint Template, break down the design elements used to create your selected media artifact and discuss the intended audience for the artifact. This presentation should clearly outline the design principles you learned about and practiced in Module Two. Remember, you do not have to deliver this presentation. You are simply preparing the presentation you might use if you were to present.
Note: You will work on the  same template throughout the course, rather than on different templates for each milestone.
For this milestone, you will complete Slide 1 (“Title”), Slide 2 (“Artifact”), Slide 3 (“Audience”) and Slide 4 (“Design Decisions”) of your chosen final project template. Use the speaker notes section to further explain the details of your slide. Also, be sure to delete the existing text in the template and replace it with your own.
Specifically, the following  critical elements must be addressed:
I. Describe Artifact: In this slide, Slide 2 (“Artifact”), you will include a picture of your artifact and provide a brief description of it.
II. Design Decisions: In this section of your presentation, you will analyze your artifact for determining the design decisions that were made when creating it.
II. Audience: In this slide, Slide 3 (“Audience”), describe the intended  audience of your selected artifact, including social considerations (e.g., race, age, gender, educational background, economic status, etc.) and cultural considerations (e.g., taboos, values, subject knowledge, etc.) that may affect how your artifact may be received.
II. Design Elements: In this slide, Slide 4 (“Design Decisions”), analyze the  design elements present in your artifact. For instance, you could consider aspects such as color, word choices, background, texture, line, font, etc.
What to Submit
Use Word or PowerPoint to create your presentation. A presentation template has been provided in both Microsoft Word and PowerPoint formats. Include your speaker notes with your presentation. Submit your completed presentation to Brightspace for grading.
Please note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission is not identical to that of the final project. The Final Project Rubric will include an additional “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond “Proficient” in your final submission.


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