Exploring the Educational Experiences of Military-Dependent School-Age Children: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Approach Exploring Instructional Strategies and Resource Needs for Gifted Education: A Cross-Case Study Design Exploring the Lived Experience of College Students Who Switch Majors: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study. Addressing Commodity Trade Mispricing in Low-Income Countries: A Critical Examination and Prescriptive Approach


You must then post three student replies of at least 150 words. For each reply, where applicable, support your assertions with in-text citations and references in current APA format. Student Replies:
Nortia Miller:
Military families experience challenges uncommon to most due to the nature of their lifestyle, which often involves frequent relocations, parental deployments, and other military-related stressors. These circumstances carve distinctive contours within the broader military culture and engender distinct sub-cultures among enlisted and officer service members, profoundly shaping their life trajectories and decision-making processes (De Pedro et al., 2018; Gilreath et al., 2022). Consequently, these challenges are considerably influential in the educational experiences of dependent school-age children. To this end, using the hermeneutic phenomenological approach serves as a methodological foundation for this study, warranting a thorough justification. As delineated by its seminal proponent, Edmund Husserl, phenomenology is an ontological exploration of experiences as they unfold from the subjective vantage point, centering on the apprehension of essence (Husserl, 2012). Complementing this, hermeneutics, as defined by Heidegger, navigates the interpretation of the essence of being, embodying a search for deeper understanding (Heidegger, 2003). Through synthesizing these philosophical underpinnings, hermeneutic phenomenology emerges as an invaluable tool for examining the depths of human experience, offering a nuanced exploration of these experiences from the participant’s perspective. By prioritizing subjective interpretations and meanings, this approach enables a thorough exploration of the multifaceted realities that shape the educational experiences of military-dependent school-age children.
At its core, hermeneutic phenomenology as the qualitative methodology for this research epitomizes a deliberate goal to elucidate the intricacies of the lived experiences of military-dependent school-age children. By looking through the lens of subjective realities, this research aims to unravel the complex tapestry of ecological influences that intricately interlace to mold familial lifestyles and guide the educational journey of military dependents. Rooted in the tenets of ecological systems theory, as articulated by Rosa and Tudge (2013), this study will go beyond surface-level analysis to delve into the microsystem, mesosystem, macrosystem, exosystem, and chronosystem, all of which converge to delineate the intricate web of influences encapsulating the lives of military families.
Thus, situating this research within the paradigm of hermeneutic phenomenology not only showcases methodological rigor but also embodies a philosophical stance committed to honoring the participants’ lived experiences. By exploring the subjective realities of both enlisted and officer families, this study aims to capture the diverse perspectives inherent within the military community, thereby enriching scholarly discourse with multifaceted insights into the educational experiences of military-dependent school-age children.
De Pedro, K. T., Astor, R. A., Gilreath, T. D., Benbenishty, R., & Berkowitz, R. (2018). School Climate, Deployment, and Mental Health Among Students in Military-Connected Schools. Youth & Society, 50(1), 93-115. https://doi.org/10.1177/0044118X1559229
Gilreath, T. D., Montiel Ishino, F. A., Sullivan, K. S., & Okoror, T. A. (2022). Maladaptive coping among military-connected adolescents: Examining combined risk using QCA. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 948474–948474. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.948474
Heidegger M. (2003). Being and time (Macquarrie J., Robinson E., Trans.). Blackwell Publishing
Husserl E. (2012). Ideas. General introduction to pure phenomenology (Gibson W., Trans.). Routledge Classics.
Rosa, E. M., & Tudge, J. (2013). Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory of human development: Its evolution from ecology to bioecology. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 5(4), 243- 258. https://doi.org/10.1111/jftr.12022
Olethia Thomas
Study Design: Cross-Case Study
This study adopts a cross-case study design to investigate the instructional strategies, resource needs. It challenges elementary school teachers face in catering to the educational needs of gifted-identified students. The cross-case study design allows for an in-depth exploration of multiple cases—each representing a distinct instructional model for gifted education—while facilitating comparisons across cases to identify common patterns, unique characteristics, and overarching themes.
Case study research involves the examination of one or more cases within a real-world, contemporary context or environment (Yin, 2018). These cases can manifest as tangible entities such as individuals, small groups, organizations, or partnerships. They can also represent more abstract concepts like communities, relationships, decision-making processes, or specific projects (Yin, 2018). The essence of a case study lies not in the particular methods employed but in the boundaries delineated around the case under investigation (Thomas, 2015).
Rationale for Cross-Case Study Design:
Richness of Data: By examining multiple cases representing different instructional models (Collaborative, Advanced Content, and Resource), the study can capture a comprehensive range of experiences, perspectives, and practices related to gifted education. This approach enhances the richness and depth of the data collected.
Comparative Analysis: The cross-case study design enables researchers to compare and contrast findings across cases, identifying similarities, differences, and factors influencing instructional effectiveness and resource utilization. This comparative analysis enhances the robustness of the study’s conclusions and contributes to theory-building in gifted education.
Holistic Understanding: By exploring diverse instructional contexts, the study aims to develop a holistic understanding of the complexities of providing adequate instruction for gifted-identified students. By examining how different instructional models address the needs of gifted learners, the study seeks to identify best practices and areas for improvement in gifted education.
Data Collection:
Data collection will involve qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis. These methods will be tailored to each case, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of teacher perspectives, instructional practices, resource utilization, and contextual factors influencing gifted education.
Semi-Structured Interviews: Interviews will be conducted with participating teachers to explore their experiences, attitudes, challenges, and resource needs in teaching gifted-identified students. Interview questions will be designed to elicit rich, detailed responses that provide insights into instructional strategies, resource utilization, and factors impacting classroom practices.
Classroom Observations: Observations will be conducted in classrooms across the different instructional models to document instructional strategies, student engagement, teacher-student interactions, and the use of resources. Observational data will complement interview findings, offering a deeper understanding of classroom dynamics and instructional delivery.
Document Analysis: Relevant documents, such as curriculum materials, lesson plans, and school policies related to gifted education, will be analyzed to supplement interview and observational data. Document analysis will provide additional context and insights into each case’s institutional support, policy frameworks, and resource allocation for gifted education.
Thomas, G. (2015). How to do your case study (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Yin, R. K. (2018). Case Study Research and Applications: Designs and Methods (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA. Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781506336169.
Mesack Dieudonne:
Qualitative research fits the best when participants’ conceptualization of shared lived experiences is different based on individual lenses through which they apprehend the world (White & Cooper, 2022; Creswell & Poth, 2018). The qualitative approach encompasses the notion of participants’ vulnerability to share their experiences, meanings, and beliefs (Creswell & Poth, 2018). Given the dynamic nature of human experience and participants’ deeply held beliefs stemming from their individual experiences of the same phenomenon, an interpretative, naturalistic approach is appropriate to interpret collected data.
This transcendental phenomenological study aimed to explore the lived experience of college students in South and Central Florida who have switched majors, generating an array of negative academic, social, and economic consequences. The study also sought to understand how passion, as a valuable tool, can potentially mitigate the frequency and severity of college students switching majors. This qualitative inquiry best fits the phenomenological study’s features in that it will report different perspectives of the same lived phenomenon, interviewing and stating participants’ views, elucidating principles underpinning this inquiry, and finding along with participants new meaning of the phenomenon (Creswell & Poth, 2018). In its Husserlian sense and as adapted by Moustakas (1994), phenomenology is woven into a lived experience shared by a heterogeneous group of college students who switched majors (Creswell & Poth, 2018; Moustakas, 1994; Ghezelseflou & Emami, 2023). Additionally, this researcher intentionally put aside common understandings, reasonings, and prejudgment in quest of a fresh apprehension of the phenomenon (Creswell & Poth, 2018; Moustakas, 1994). Such a framework was conducive to cognitively representing participants by gathering responses and collaborating with participants in finding lived experiences’ meanings.
The features of the transcendental approach, such as the intentionality of consciousness, a characteristic of Husserlian’s transcendental phenomenology (Moustakas, 1994), and intuition, which posits that college students are intuitive thinkers capable of perceiving, affirming, and denying propositions (Creswell & Poth, 2018; Moustakas, 1994), proved to be the most effective in capturing the intuitive thought processes of college students when it comes to switching majors as a phenomenon. Another feature of the transcendental approach critical to this study is intersubjectivity, by which college students perceive reality differently and thus arrive at various interpretations of the same lived experience (Moustakas, 1994). Qualitative inquiries have a pool of qualitative data methods from which to choose. This qualitative study will adopt the transcendent phenomenological study framework, which will significantly help reduce personal biases and apprehend the shared lived experience through participants’ lenses. Rather than a prescriptive, I will adopt a non-prescriptive approach (Musselli & Bürgi Bonanomi, 2022; Coyle, 2013), which will help focus on South and Central Florida college students who have experienced switching majors and explore passion as a tool to mitigate the shared lived experience.
Coyle, D. (2013). Listening to learners: An investigation into ‘successful learning’ across CLIL contexts. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 244–266. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2013.777384
Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N., (2018). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Ghezelseflou, S., & Emami, A. (2023). Low-income households’ responses to residential dissatisfaction: A phenomenological approach. Housing Studies, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2023.2190957
Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Musselli, I., & Bürgi Bonanomi, E. (2022). Countering commodity trade mispricing in low-income countries: A prescriptive approach. Journal of International Economic Law, 25(3), 447-463. https://doi.org/10.1093/jiel/jgac030
White, R. E., & Cooper, K. (2022). Qualitative research in the post-modern era: Critical approaches and selected methodologies (1;1st 2021; ed.). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85124-8



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