Essay, outline | English homework help

Assignment 1: Read Chapter 1, review the PowerPoint slides, and respond to one question in the journal, which can be accessed through the Tools icon on the left.
Assignment 2: Read Chapter 2, review the PowerPoint slides, and respond to one question in the journal, which can be accessed through the Tools icon on the left.
chapter one: Read through the following questions and answer one of them in your journal. Your answer should be complete, and must be written in standard, grammatically correct English.
1. Distinguish between the two levels of analysis used in sociology (macro-level and micro-level). Provide at least one example of each type of research. Which would be the best to use if a sociologist wanted to learn about accounting majors in the United States? Why?2. Distinguish between manifest and latent functions, and dysfunctions. Provide at least one example of each, relevant to higher levels of education in the United States. Specifically, explain the manifest and latent functions and dysfunctions of attending college, along with the dysfunctions os a college education.3. Distinguish between the functionalist and conflict approaches to the study of society. Which approach would be most consistent with the values of political conservatives? Why? Which approach would be the most consistent with political liberals? Why?4. Why is nonverbal communication so important to interactionist theory?5. How can the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist views be used to interpret professional sports? List at least one example of a question that each theory would explore? Which theory do you believe would provide the most meaningful/important results? Why?6. Identify and briefly explain the eight basic steps in the scientific method.7. What are the advantages and limitations of interviews when doing social research? What are the advantages and limitations of questionnaires when doing survey research? Which do you believe is better, interviews or questionnaires? Why?
chapter two:
Read through the following questions and answer one of them in your journal. Your answer should be complete, and must be written in standard, grammatically correct English.
1. What is ethnocentrism? Discuss how ethnocentrism can have both positive and negative consequences for group life, providing at least one example of each. What is cultural relativism? Discuss how cultural relativism can have both positive and negative consequences for group life, providing at least one example of each.
2. Define and discuss the similarities and differences between subcultures and countercultures, providing at least one example of each. List and discuss at least two subcultures and/or countercultures of which you are a member. How important to your self-concept is membership in them?
3. Define values. Sociologist Robin Williams identified ten values that are important in the United States, and James Henslin added three. Discuss the four values that you believe are most important, and discuss why you made the choices that you did.
4. Define, technology, new technology, cultural diffusion, providing at least one example of each. Define and discuss the process of cultural leveling. Do you believe that cultural leveling is a positive or negative factor in the world today? Why?
5. Define sanctions. Discuss the role that they perform in maintaining social order. Define and provide at least one example of each of the following: formal positive sanctions, formal negative sanctions, informal positive sanctions, and informal negative sanctions. Which do you believe are the most effective in maintaining social control? Why?
6. Define norms, folkways, mores and taboos. Provide at least one example of each. Are folkways or mores more likely to change? Why? What happens when folkways change quickly? What happens when mores change quickly?


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