Due today need edit spelling and grammer and add on $10 only


Little CJ is a very cute kid and funny, but we are missing that this shows a form of disrespect that the child speaks back to the parent. Back then kids didn’t even have a thought to say anything to a parent or elder of some sort. CJ says “I don’t have time for you” now if you have a big mama still around, or an old school parent that raised you there is no way we would get away with how this was shown.
CJ was super cute but we can’t raise our kids not learning true values and  the true meaning of having respect for themselves and others. This will build character inside of him or her so that they grow to teach their own on how to respect others. This is why most kids in this generation are overly disrespectful to their teachers, elders, mothers, and fathers. Again CUTE little boy but it still shows disrespect.
-Sweetness Speaks
Just view this video below and share your thoughts. This video speaks for itself on who is raising our young children. Kids are raising kids; so we automatically know that the respect has not been taught in the homes, because they are still learning and growing as young children. Everything that you put out into the atmosphere starts from home. Kids raised as this young man shown grow up delivering disrespect, our generation today does not respect what life is really about.


The people  who are meant to stay in  your life, even though you may have moved on from being friends or in a relationship. They will always gravitate  back into your life no matter how much time has passed.    
 -Sweetness Speaks

Don’t continue to keep walking around  not trusting because of the lack of not wanting to feel the vulnerability of thinking that you might get hurt, used, or disrespected.   
-Sweetness Speaks

A choice is to pick and choose from. Be wise in the decisions that you make, they might help or hurt your future opportunities.
-Sweetness Speaks

Be over-tired with all negativity, instead of getting upset, overreacting, or being bitter. Play it koo! stay in your lane play your position, learn from making the right or wrong choices that we bring to ourselves. This was designed and meant to be this way for the lesson to be learned for the giver and for the user. Learn, Let Go! and Move On!         -Sweetness Speaks

Whatever lives in your heart comes out of your mouth, it shows up from your actions, change is a must. We cannot continue sitting on ground zero we only start at it.
-Sweetness Speaks

My loyalty; I am so much like him, and he is a mirror of me. I see his reflection that shows up when another man tries to walk my way to talk to me.   -Sweetness Speaks

No! matter how hard it gets, I am a rib, a part of him, the image that was created from his side, I am not giving up on him I will ride, ride, and ride through the storms  with him  -Sweetness Jones

A connection is recognized instantly, when you meet that, follow that, hold on and learn that. Go and grow a so that you may build an empire with that.   -Sweetness Speaks

Never regret on meeting the wrong person that you thought was for you. He or she was present only in your season for God to develop a better you for the right person that will come along to love, protect, provide, understand, and except all of you.   -Sweetness Jones

I am a person just like you, we are different in many ways. So if we were both the same then we wouldn’t have nothing to learn from.    -Sweetness Speaks

Do it yourself, when you are not paying them, you are waiting on them to begin your dream your vision.   -Sweetness Speaks

If you really love her, you will wait patiently with her, walk with her when she doesn’t understand what you may understand. support her of the goals, dreams, and talents that God has given her not for her purpose but for my glory, and my praise. 
 -Sweetness Speaks

I am here to help you grown and get better, not what I can get out of you. This is bigger than me and bigger than you.   -Sweetness Speaks

Build your brand pass your living
-Sweetness Speaks

I am, I will, I must, I will not stop, I cant let go…. only Because I was made too
-Sweetness Speaks

We are both a combination of the same frequency, when we move the same talk, and walk in the same positive directions we become greater, because greatness recognizes greatness.
-Sweetness Speaks

What have you lost? what value did you gain? when did you decide that you wasn’t worth the fight, you are worth waiting for, a prize kept, a don’t disappear run away from what is called true love, it may not show up for a long while.    -Sweetness Speaks

If you want to go fast, you go by yourself, if you want to grow you both grow and  build together.  -Sweetness Speaks

His shoulders were meant for you to stand on, my wide base was made for me to hold you up when you cannot stand alone. I am your comfort, your peace when you think you are losing, I am your Man and you are my Woman  a couple that supports in the good and bad.  -Sweetness Speaks


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