discussing various topics related to gender and media, and responding to prompts with thoughtful and well-supported replies. the importance of being mindful and intentional in one’s online behavior in order to foster genuine relationships and balance virtual and physical interactions in the digital age.


Prompt one:
The authors of our text describe masculinity similar to the statement “boys will be boys”. Aggressive behavior, when it does not inflict significant harm, is often accepted from boys and men because it is congruent with the cultural script for masculinity (Conerly, T. R., Holmes, K., & Tamang, A. L., 2021c, June 3, p. 342). He then explains that it has been almost assigned or predetermined to each gender of how their characteristics will be. The authors of our text give an example of going to a loan officer and how if that officer were male, one would be more focused on numbers vs. if the officer was female one would be more emotional. This is true. I can think specifically growing up with my twin sister I was expected to play sports and my sister was expected to be involved with dance. 
Patriarchal masculinity is not the only form of masculinity. Hegemonic masculinity is the norm and stereotypical way that a man should be. For example, Hegemonic masculinity might be not showing emotion, or being told to “shake it off” and “be a man” when emotion is shown. Another example could be a male being incredibly muscular or in a position of power. Even though hegemonic masculinity is not directly the same as patriarchal masculinity, it does show similarities. Patriarchal masculinity is thought that if you have more hegemonic tendencies, then you will have more power or strength over women. 
Prompt four: 
I will honestly say that most of my news is from social media (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc.). While I already know that these sources are not as reliable, it is something that I view daily. I do not have much time for network television and I do not read newspapers. My parents primarily get their news from network television and my grandparents combine network television and newspapers. I think it is incredibly important where you seek information from. One news outlet may lean politically more one way towards another (CNN has more democratic views and FOX has more conservative views). With these different views, news information may be construed in a way that is different than the facts. Social media cannot always be a reliable source. Information is not always checked and it is not always factual. 
How have digital media changed social interactions? Do you believe it has deepened or weakened human connections? Defend your answer. (USLO 5.6)
                          Digital media platforms, such as social networking sites, have facilitated the establishment and maintenance of connections on a global scale. As individuals can now connect and communicate effortlessly across borders and time zones, digital media has indeed expanded the possibilities for social interaction. For instance, platforms like Facebook and Twitter have allowed individuals to reconnect with long-lost friends or relatives, providing avenues for reviving dormant connections (Turkle, 2011). However, Despite the potential for deepened connections, digital media also presents challenges that can lead to weakened human interactions. One prominent issue is the prevalence of superficial connections. As social media platforms promote the accumulation of friends and followers, individuals may focus more on the quantity rather than the quality of their connections, leading to shallow relationships (Baym, 2010). Likes, retweets, and comments can create a false sense of social validation, fostering a culture of virtual popularity that does not necessarily translate into genuine connection. I firmly believe the overreliance on digital media for communication has significantly affected face-to-face interactions. In-person conversations are now frequently interrupted by the constant distraction of notifications or the desire to capture moments for virtual consumption. This has resulted in a decrease in the quality of interpersonal communication, with decreased attentiveness and empathy (Turkle, 2011). I think that individuals should strive to be more conscious of their online behavior, refining their digital presence to cultivate meaningful connections. Actively engaging in conversations, communicating empathetically, and avoiding superficial engagement can help foster authentic relationships across digital platforms. In the end, I feel that digital media revolutionizes social interactions by introducing new modes of communication and connecting individuals on a global scale. While it presents opportunities for connections, the challenges posed by shallow connections and decreased face-to-face interactions cannot be overlooked. Striking a balance between virtual and physical interactions is crucial to maintaining and strengthening human connections. By consciously cultivating genuine relationships and leveraging the potential of digital media, individuals can harness its benefits while minimizing the drawbacks, and reinforcing meaningful human connections in the digital age.



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