discussing the services, qualifications, and three-step process of Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection in Ocala, Florida. the importance of protecting and restoring children who have been victims of abuse or neglect through the work of the Kimberly Center for Child Protection. creating a laboratory internal manual for the Marion County Sheriff’s Office in 2024, using information from the 2024 Quick Facts census data.


Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection
The Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection is a place of protection, help, hope and healing for children affected by neglect or abuse (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). The goal of this organization is to have a positive and lasting impact for a safer community so that children can thrive, grow, and reach their potential. This organization is in Ocala, Florida. This facility works closely with several law enforcement agencies and the Department of Children and Families. For example, The Marion County Sheriff’s Office has placed detectives, who are specifically trained and credentialed to conduct forensic interviews with children, at this location for investigative purposes. The State Attorney Office also works together with this organization. There is a large number of children that are under the authority of these joint agencies. To give perspective, On July 1, 2022, the United States Census Bureau reported that Marion County Florida has a population of 396,415 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2022), which more than warrants the need for this non-profit organization.
The qualifications required to work for or in affiliation with this organization are stringent (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). In relation to the specially designated law enforcement detectives of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, specialized training and educational classes are provided and required. The first responders who are stationed at this facility must first be sworn law enforcement officers. More specifically, they are detectives that are under the Major Crimes Unit. These detectives are assigned at the discretion of the Sheriff. Their training includes experience as a patrol deputy. The classes required are Interviews and Interrogations, Advanced Report Writing, Sex Crimes Investigations, Child Crimes Investigations, and Abuse and Neglect Investigations. Several of these classes are offered by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and may be hosted by a local college or university. These courses are vital to the training and integrity of the process. Once equipped with specialized training, the detectives will have the knowledge to conduct a proper investigation. This will also assist with court proceedings. Having these credentials will help validate the testimony in court.
This all-in-one facility has a wide range of resources involved. This consists of an Executive Director, Medical Director, Clinical Director, Senior Case Coordinator, CPT Case Coordinator, Nurse Practitioner, Data Specialist, Child Advocate, Intake Coordinator, Development Director, Therapist, and Interns. Each person plays a vital role in the process. With the multiple moving parts, it is critical that the proper communication and procedures are conducted.
Three step process
Kimerly’s Center for Child Protection has implemented a three-step process for healing (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). Their specialty trained staff are prepared to provide a child-friendly and safe environment for children of all ages. This then opens the door and allows the children to communicate their neglect and abuse to this specialty trained personnel, and from there, the journey will begin for the healing process to take place.
Step 1: Respond
The first step in the process is to respond. Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection has investigators on call and ready to activate (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). They function as twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week organization. Even during the holidays, they will respond immediately and without hesitation. These investigating experts provide specialized treatment through forensic interviews of children. This is to help stop further trauma to the child by the information that they obtain. This also includes medical examinations for children. This would include physical abuse and even sexual battery kits. This is crucial to the preservation of evidence and the integrity of the case moving forward.
Step 2: Protect
The second step in this process is to protect (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). This is where the child advocate comes into the process. This advocate is designated specifically to the child for the entire process. From the beginning to the end, this advocate will be present on the child’s behalf. This will also include court proceedings. They will work together with the State Attorney Office on behalf of the child. They also educate others in schools with prevention and awareness training. Awareness is an ongoing project for this organization because awareness unlocks the call to action.
Step 3: Restore
The third step is to restore. This is where the expert therapist in child crisis and trauma comes in. These experts are specialized in their field and provide the therapy that the child may need. This then begins the road to recovery for children and their family. This is also the road to healing and recovery from the neglect and abuse (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024).
Psalm 127:3, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him (New International Version, 2024).
Get involved!
On their website, the Kimberly Center for Child Protection stated that one out of four children have been the victim of neglect or abuse by the age of eighteen (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). From its inception, this organization has helped over twenty-two thousand children from abuse or neglect in this community. They have also implemented a three-step process for others to help and to take part.
Step 1: Become Aware
The first step is becoming aware (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). Denying or ignoring the reality of these situations does not make it go away. The reality is that most people are not aware of the extent of the abuse and neglect that targeted children endure daily. Before asking to donate, the Kimberly Center offers an impact report. This will provide statistical information on the amount of abuse in their community. More importantly, it goes on to show the positive outcome that their resources have provided to the children in need.
Step 2: Take a tour.
The second step is to take a tour (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). The website will provide a virtual tour of their facilities and resources. The goal is for donors to be inspired by the life changing effects that the facility provides.
Step 3: Make an Impact
The third step is a call to action (Kimberlys Center for Child Protection, 2024). This is to make a positive and lasting impact on a child’s life. They request support from them so that they can in turn support the children in need. We can then be accountable and play our part in the process of providing help, hope and healing for children who may not be able to stand up for themselves. They also provide annual events such as art auctions and racing events. The is not only to raise money but also to raise awareness of their cause.
In conclusion, this organization was chosen based on its mission, purpose and need. Children are more than just our future, they are us. We are responsible for the legacy that we leave. Kimberly’s Center can be contacted anytime by telephone or email.
Matthew 18:2-5 states, “He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me” (New International Version, 2024).
Compassionate Response to the Trauma of Child Abuse in a Safe and Child Friendly Environment. Kimberlys Center for Child Protection – Ocala, FL. (2024). https://kimberlyscenter.org/.
The Holy Bible: New International Version. (2024). Zondervan
DNA Screening Laboratory Internal Manual, Marion County Sheriff’s Office (2024)
Quick facts – census.gov. (2024). https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045222.



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