completing modules on using APA style, creating a mock APA paper, and finding and organizing sources for the paper. finding reputable sources and incorporating them into a mock paper using proper APA style and citation, as well as including relevant tables and figures.


I have module 1 and 2 done. I need module 3 and 4. which I will share below.
Module One
The first step in using APA style is to understand what APA style is. To do that, we are going to start at the APA Style website, your digital home for all things related to APA. To complete Module One, please:
Familiarize yourself with the APA website.
Work your way through the Introducing the Basics of APA Style Tutorial. Take your time and get accustomed to how the tutorial works.
Use what you’ve learned to create a new Word document with a properly formatted title page, giving it the title “My Mock APA Paper”
The second page of that document will be labeled “Abstract” top center (it is typical to wait until you have finished a paper before you write the abstract–and even the introduction–so for now, this will simply be a placeholder page).
The third page of the doc will be where your paper actually begins. Indicate that by re-typing the paper title (“My Mock APA Paper”) at the top of page three, (not in the header section) centered but not bold.
The last page in this doc will be labeled References. On that page, create your first entry–the first source you will be using in your mock paper. That source will be the tutorial you just finished. Creating a references list entry for a website is part of that tutorial, so you should have no problem. Remember to number your pages, please, according APA rules.
I will respond within 24 hrs. to confirm I have received your work. I will return scored work via email no more than one week after submission, and often sooner. You can move on to Module Two, but you should not submit Module Two until you have received and acted on the notes I will give you regarding Module One.
Email me if you have questions…
Module Two
Sections and headings will be our focus for this Module. Please read and become familiar with Headings
Your mock APA paper will be about APA style. After all, the best way to learn something is to teach it. In that spirit, imagine you are writing a paper that explains the basics of APA style to someone just starting college.
Your mock paper will not address all the topics that could go into such a paper. Focus on the ones that are most important. To complete Module Two (continuing to add to the same Word document from Module One):
Create an open space beneath the paper’s title on page three. This is where your introduction will go, but we are not writing that until the end (in APA, the introduction is not labeled. It is assumed to be the intro because it is the first part of the paper)
Create three (3) level one headings in the body of the paper–following the space you have saved for your intro. Decide what these level one headings should be based on what you think are the three most important things a new student would need to know about APA. For example, you might have a level one heading titled “Why Use APA Style”
Each level one heading should be followed by 1 – 3 sentences of content that introduces what that section is going to be about.
Within each level one heading, create 2 – 3 level two headings. For example, under the level one heading of Why Use APA Style, you might have level two headings such as “To Create A Standard Appearance” and “To Give Credit To Our Sources.”
Add your second source to the References page (the “Headings” content you read for this module).
When it comes time to draft your mock paper, you will not write the whole paper. You will only choose three of your level two subsections to write on in detail. Keep that in mind as you organize your headings, and again in Module Three when it is time to find good sources.
PDFs only, please.
Thank you!
Module Three
Finding and organizing sources is the focus of Module Three. To complete this module, you will locate and learn to use sources to write your mock paper. Your first two sources came from the APA website and should already appear in your references list. Your third source will be this website from the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia. It has short videos and clear, easy-to-read discussions re: fact checking and what makes a source credible/reputable.
Your goal after having read and watched the above content will be to find 6 – 8 other sources on your own–sources you believe will be helpful in creating content for the three sub-sections you’ve decided to write about in detail. Your sources should:
be reputable
come from a variety of locations (not just the APA site)
include at least one primary and two secondary sources
include one table and one figure
be read carefully so that you can identify which parts are going to be useful
be added to your references list
Once you have watched the video, found and read your sources, and added them to your references list,
NOTE: APA references list entries will always begin with the name of a human or an organization, NOT the name of an article or website. Alphabetize your list according to last name of author or organization. If you have two entries from the same source, list them in order of oldest to newest.
Module Four
Weaving your sources into clear prose is the focus of Module Four. Toward that end, please watch this instructional video.
Once you have watched the video, the time has come to begin drafting your mock paper to show that you can weave and cite sources into your writing in a smooth and APA-appropriate style. But recall that we are not going to write an entire paper. We are only going write the three (3) sub-sections–the level two headings–you selected in Modules Two and Three.
For each of those three sub-sections, you should write 2 – 3 paragraphs where:
each paragraph covers one particular topic and begins with a topic sentence
each paragraph is 3 – 9 sentences long
each paragraph uses at least two different sources, properly cited
the 2nd or 3rd paragraphs in each sub-section have, as part of their topic sentence, a transitional word or phrase to connect to the previous paragraph
For example: in my level one heading “Why Use APA Style,” I might want to develop the sub-section “To Give Credit to Our Sources.” I might decide to write one paragraph that talks about the importance of giving credit to the people who shared their ideas with us and one paragraph that talks about the dangers of plagiarism.
All totaled, you will be writing at least six (6) source-supported and APA-cited paragraphs, at most nine (9).
IN ADDITION: you should add the relevant tables/figures to your paper that you found in Module Three. They should be properly captioned and cited.



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