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DAT 250 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
Make ethically informed decisions based on awareness of legal and organiza!onal parameters
Describe best prac!ces for data management
While you can select from any of the Project Two scenarios, you have been tasked to consider organiza!ons that focus on ethical decision making and frameworks using FERPA, GDPR,
HIPAA, and CCPA throughout the term. It is recommended that you select the scenario whose frameworks you feel most comfortable with and have addressed in the past so that you can
build off your own work and get feedback from your instructor. The scenarios are available in the Suppor!ng Materials sec!on.
You are a data management professional working for one of the following organiza!ons:
AmityTech Solu!ons
EduTech Innova!on
Each organiza!on has experienced a data breach that risks its clients’ confiden!al data. You will examine the scenario’s details, iden!fy the kinds of informa!on compromised, and determine
the incident’s poten!al ramifica!ons. Your priority now is to help your organiza!on properly respond to the scenario, make recommenda!ons for upda!ng company policies, and consider
how to prevent this kind of incident in the future. You have a significant opportunity to help shi# your organiza!on’s work in the right direc!on using best prac!ces and ethical frameworks.
Review the scenario you selected from the Organiza!onal Scenarios in the Suppor!ng Materials sec!on. Create a wri$en business recommenda!ons report for your organiza!on’s senior
leadership team.
Your recommenda!ons report must address the following cri!cal elements:
Compare global policies and regula!ons regarding data privacy.
Consider data privacy regula!ons in the United States versus other countries.
Consider whether your company would need to change its data-gathering prac!ces if the company were to expand interna!onally (such as within the European Union).
Explain factors that impact an organiza!on’s policies on data privacy.
Explain the effect that data privacy policies can have on the company you selected, including how the issues exposed in an audit may impact the company’s reputa!on.
Discuss the ethical considera!ons that affect privacy policies for your company’s industry.
Describe the purpose of a compliance audit and its influence on policy decisions in the future.
Explain the ethical and professional purpose of compliance audits in organiza!ons.
Discuss how, if followed correctly, compliance with audit requirements could have prevented the issues experienced by your organiza!on.
Iden!fy poten!al consequences for con!nued non-compliance with audit requirements.
Discuss how data privacy laws and ethics affect how organiza!ons operate.
Indicate how data privacy laws and ethical frameworks influence decision making in regard to data policy.
Give an example of how the passing of a more restric!ve data privacy law and ethical frameworks would affect how your company operates.
Describe the roles and responsibili!es of data management professionals who contribute to data security and policy.
Give examples of roles within your organiza!on that might influence, or be influenced by, data security policies.
Describe how customer-facing and technical data roles differ in their approaches to data security policies.
Discuss how data management professionals apply ethical decision making in their roles.
Give an example of where a data policy might have an ethical gap.
Explain where you might go for guidance if an industry does not have wri$en ethical guidelines, or their new products have had unforeseen ethical consequences.

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Describe how you would handle a lack of ethical guidelines and how this might relate to the Riddle Security breach.
Discuss how technology in data management, security, and privacy has changed over !me.
Give examples of how changes in technology in the last ten years have impacted data regula!ons.
Discuss how changing technologies could have affected Riddle Security’s breach either in a posi!ve or nega!ve way.
What to Submit
This assignment must be submi$ed as an 8- to 10-page Word document, using one-inch margins, double spacing, and Times New Roman font. You should support your responses by
referencing appropriate resources from credible sources in the field. All references must be cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa!on on
Supporting Materials
The following resources support your work on the project:
Document: Organiza!onal Scenarios
Review the case study for informa!on that will assist you in your project.
Webpage: Shapiro Library APA Style Guide
For help with your project submission, review the Wri!ng & Presenta!on Help and the APA Cita!on Style guides.
Project Two Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Global Data Privacy
Exceeds proficiency in an
excep!onally clear, insigh%ul,
sophis!cated, or crea!ve
Compares global policies and
regula!ons regarding data
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
inaccuracies or cursory
Does not a$empt criterion 15
Data Privacy Policies Exceeds proficiency in an
excep!onally clear, insigh%ul,
sophis!cated, or crea!ve
Explains factors that impact an
organiza!on’s policies on data
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
missing key elements or
inaccurate informa!on
Does not a$empt criterion 15
Compliance Audits Exceeds proficiency in an
excep!onally clear, insigh%ul,
sophis!cated, or crea!ve
Describes the purpose of a
compliance audit and its
influence on policy decisions in
the future
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
cursory explana!ons of the
rela!on of elements
Does not a$empt criterion 10
Data Privacy Laws Exceeds proficiency in an
excep!onally clear, insigh%ul,
sophis!cated, or crea!ve
Discusses how data privacy
laws and ethics affect how
organiza!ons operate
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
missing key elements or
incomplete explana!ons
Does not a$empt criterion 10
Data Security and Policies Exceeds proficiency in an
excep!onally clear, insigh%ul,
sophis!cated, or crea!ve
Describes the roles and
responsibili!es of data
management professionals who
contribute to data security and
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
missing examples or unrelated
Does not a$empt criterion 15
Ethical Decision Making Exceeds proficiency in an
excep!onally clear, insigh%ul,
sophis!cated, or crea!ve
Discusses how data
management professionals
apply ethical decision making in
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
Does not a$empt criterion 15

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manner their roles improvement may include
illogical or inconsistent
Changing Technology Exceeds proficiency in an
excep!onally clear, insigh%ul,
sophis!cated, or crea!ve
Discusses how technology in
data management, security,
and privacy has changed over
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
cursory explana!ons
Does not a$empt criterion 10
Ar!cula!on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep!onally clear, insigh%ul,
sophis!cated, or crea!ve
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra!ng an
understanding of audience and
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega!vely
impac!ng readability
Submission has cri!cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven!ng
understanding of ideas
Cita!ons and A#ribu!ons Uses cita!ons for ideas
requiring a$ribu!on, with few
or no minor errors
Uses cita!ons for ideas
requiring a$ribu!on, with
consistent minor errors
Uses cita!ons for ideas
requiring a$ribu!on, with
major errors
Does not use cita!ons for ideas
requiring a$ribu!on
Total: 100%


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