Annotated Bibliography on Archaeological Sites Annotated Bibliography: Exploring Ancient Sites Across the World


a)Definition and Scope of the Assignment
An Annotated Bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriiptive evaluative paragraph, which is the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform your reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
Some annotations may summarize, some may assess or evaluate a source, and some may reflect on the usefulness of the source for further academic research or scholarship. Many annotations often address all three of these steps. Critical evaluation of the source can and your own personal reflections are an important part of each annotation.
When reading and evaluating an academic source, here are a few things to keep in mind that can help you determine whether it is of good quality and useful as a research resource or not.
1)Strength and clarity of the writing. Is the writing clear and easy to read and can you understand the points the author is making? If it is well-written, you should be able to.
2)Strength and clarity of their argument. Are you convinced by their argument and the evidence they provide to support it?
3)Is their theoretical perspective properly explained and demonstrated to the reader? [If this is relevant to their article]
4)Data analysis: is there use of appropriate methods or data/evidence to evaluate their argument?
5)Use of appropriate visual aids for reader comprehension. If there are any tables, charts, graphs or other kinds of images in the article, are they easy to read and understand and does the author guide you through them and clearly explain them? 6)In the end, did the author accomplish or do what they said they would do in their Introduction? [In some articles this doesn’t always match, which can be a disconnect to the reader’s understanding]
These are the kinds of things that you can refer to in your annotation when you are summarizing and evaluating each one of your sources.
b)Assignment Instructions
You will select an archaeological site, or major find, from the list provided at the end of this handout, and search for 6 valid academic sources about the site. Once you have read through your sources, you will then write an Annotated Bibliography that lists each academic source in APA style format and then below each citation, you will provide a written annotation paragraph (each approximately 150 words) for each source that discusses the content, quality, relevance. Make sure you include your own personal critique or impressions of the source as a useful piece of writing for academic research or scholarship. This is also an important part of the annotation.
Your articles must come from academic journals or other scholarly publications. Web sites from an official archaeological-related institution, such as museums, university departments or government institutions are acceptable as sources because there is editorial control of the content and quality of information. On-line books and academic journal articles are acceptable because they are peer-reviewed or evaluated by editors. Non-academic web sites/blogs should not be used as sources for the Annotated Bibliography because the content is not reviewed by specialists in the field before it is published or posted (as in the case of academic journal articles or books), so sometimes the information can be either wrong or out of date (Or sometimes just plain crazy!).
c)Format and Writing Requirements
1)Your annotated bibliography must be typed or word-processed, and double-spaced. Do not use a font size larger than 12. It will also require a title page.
2)For each source that is listed, you must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) Style Guide. 3)All of your written text, including the annotation write-up below the citation, must be indented so that the author’s last name is the only text that is flush left.
d)Grading Criteria
Each Annotation paragraph will be graded out of 5 points for a total of 30 Points for the entire assignment (6 paragraphs x 5 points=30 Points).
The 5-point breakdown for each paragraph will be as follows:
i)Clarity of Writing, Grammar, Spelling, Proper APA formatting: 1.5 Points
-Is your work free of spelling and grammatical errors?
-Is your writing clear, concise and easy to understand?
-Are your sources listed in the proper APA format?
ii)Summary of Article and Evaluation of Academic Content: 1.5 Points
-Have you covered the key points or issues discussed in the article and have you demonstrated that you have read it?
-Have you included any criticisms of the article content in relation to the six evaluation criteria listed on Page 1 of this handout?
iii)Your Own Overall Personal Impressions of the Article: 2 Points
-Have you included your own personal thoughts or impressions of the article?
-What did you like or not like about it? Why?
-Is it useful or did you learn something from it that was useful, or might be useful, to people interested in the subject? Why?
-Any other personal thoughts or reflections about the article? ___________
5 Point Total e)List of Sites for the Annotated Bibliography Sources: You must Choose One Site From the List Below
a)North America
Cahokia (U.S.) Moundville (U.S.)
Clovis (U.S.) Heads Smashed-In Buffalo Jump (Canada)
L’Ans aux Meadows (Canada) Ozette (U.S.)
Glenrose Cannery (British Columbia) Milliken (British Columbia)
Keatley Creek (British Columbia) Poverty Point (U.S.)
Mesa Verde (U.S.) Locarno Beach (British Columbia)
Fort Langley (British Columbia) Strawberry Banke (U.S.)
African Burial Ground (U.S.) Palenque (Mexico)
Teotihuacan (Mexico) Tenochtitlan (Mexico)
Tula (Mexico) La Venta (Mexico)
b)Central and South America
Tikal (Guatemala) Sipan (Peru)
Copan (Honduras) Pedra Furada (Brazil)
Valdivia (Bolivia) Monte Verde (Chile)
Ceren (El Salvador) Chavin de Huantar (Peru)
Machu Picchu (Peru) Caracol (Belize)
Lamanai (Belize) Tiwanaku (Bolivia) c)Europe
Avebury (England) Newgrange (Ireland)
Carnac (France) Lascaux Cave (France) Herculaneum (Italy) Skara Brae (Scotland)
Dolni Vestonice (Czech Republic) Knossos (Crete)
Torralba (Spain) La Ferrasie (France)
Atapuerca (Spain) Herxheim (Germany)
Sunghir (Soviet Union) Mycenae (Greece)
Los Millares (Spain) Varna (Bulgaria) d)Africa
Karnak Temple (Egypt) Hadar (Ethiopia)
Umm el-Qa’ab Cemetery (Egypt) Great Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe)
Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) Klasies River Mouth (South Africa)
Koobi Fora (Kenya) Hierakonpolis (Egypt)
Saqqara Stepped Pyramid (Egypt) Katanda (Dem. Republic of Congo)
e)Middle East
Gobleki Tepe (Turkey) Jericho (Israel)
Jarmo (Iraq) Babylon (Iraq)
Catal Hoyok (Turkey) Ur (Iraq)
Uruk (Iraq) Shanidar Cave (Iraq)
Tepe Yahya (Iran) Ohalo II (Israel)
Eridu (Iraq) Persepolis (Iran) f)South Asia
Arikamedu (India) Kot Diji (Pakistan)
Mehrgarh (Pakistan) Kalibangan (India)
Dhoraji (India) Vijayanagara (India)
Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka) Taxila (Pakistan)
g)East Asia
Zhoukoudian Cave (China) Banpo (China)
Anyang (China) Sanxingdui (China)
Hemudu (China) Dawenkou (China)
Amsadong (Korea) Tongsam-dong (Korea)
Sannai Maruyama (Japan) Yoshinogari (Japan)
Torihama Shell Mound (Japan) Toro (Japan)
h)Southeast Asia
Angkor Wat (Cambodia) Borobudur Temple (Indonesia)
Ayub Cave (Philippines) Tabon Cave (Philippines)
Khok Phanom Di (Thailand) Gilimanuk (Indonesia)
Sangiran (Indonesia) Gua Cha (Malaysia)
Niah Cave (Malaysia) Prambanan Temple (Indonesia)
Ban Chiang (Thailand) Plain of Jars/Thong Hai Hin (Laos)
Teouma (Vanuatu) Huon Peninsula (Papua New Guinea)
Lake Mungo (Australia) Ha’atuatua Site (Marquesas Islands)
Kuk Swamp (Papua New Guinea) Moai Heads (Easter Island)
Bellows Dune (Hawaii) Pi’ilanihale Heiau (Hawaii)
Nu’alolokai Site (Hawaii) Lapakahi Field System (Hawaii)
Sigatoka Dune (Fiji)



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