John Steinbeck

Module/Unit Three Integrative Assignment
Instructions – Choose  one of the following assignments to show your knowledge of Steinbeck’s The Pearl and the material on Reading Comprehension strategies.
Use the resources of this chapter, journal assignment, PowerPoint presentation, reading comprehension information,  and perhaps do a bit of research to help you achieve success on this assignment.
1 – Create an extensive presentation of events that occur in Steinbeck’s novel, including when events happened and how the events show that the novel is a parable, meant to teach a lesson that can transfer to our modern life. Include a formal paragraph, detailed paragraghs, and at the end of the assignment, discuss what you’ve learned about culture and values in The Pearl and the effectiveness of Steinbeck’s technique. Length minimum, 5-10 pages. Please include a title.
2 – Using the ideas of the Reading Comprehension material, write about the different strategies you would include if you were teaching one chapter of  The Pearl per day to students, so six detailed reading comprehension activities, pair or individual assignments you would create to help students understand what they are reading. Length 5 or more pages. Please include a title and be sure to reference all resources accurately including primary (The Primary) and secondary (critical or pedagogical) resources.
3 – Create a PowerPoint Presentation for someone who has never read John Steinbeck’s  The Pearl.  Include such story elements as how tension is displayed, key themes, the meaning of symbolism, and point of view and much more as applicable. Include a reading comprehesion strategy in the pp presentation as well. Length 15 – 20 slides. Please include a title, and be sure to reference all resources accurately including primary (The Primary) and secondary (critical or pedagogical) resources.
4 – Write an allegory, a story that teaches values using your knowledge about culture.   Steinbeck’s  The Pearl is considered an allegory because the story of Kino, Juana, and their baby reveals moral coding or a statement about life. Kino and to a leser extent, his wife learn about what is important in life and who to lay more prominence on what they value.  The story or narrative should be a minimum of ten pages long and definitely be about a character learns from her experiences. Length 10 – 15 double spaced pages. Please include a title.
5 – Watch a movie  that has similar themes to John Steinback’s  The Pearl and compare and contrast the alike (categorical) features found in Hurston’s novel to it. Writing a comparative paper would mean writing in depth about themes, moments, characters in ways that bring the highlights of both mediums out fully.  Length 3 – 6 pages.  Include a references or works cited entry. Please include a title, and be sure to reference all resources accurately including primary (The Primary) and secondary (critical or pedagogical) resources.
6 –  Write a persuasive essay on John Steinbeck’s The Pearl , discussing something you believe is very important that Steinbeck is trying to express about class, race, village life, capitalism, ways of life, cultural conflict, nature symbolism or other kinds of symbolism, or how doe the shifting settings of the story accentuate its meaning. The paper should be 3 to 6 pages in length, double-spaced, titled, one inch margins, times new roman 12pt font.  When using critical sources, (works cited or references required) they must be cited accurately, and integrated in your writing with parenthetical citations according to MLA or APA style.


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