W4 Detailed Outline

Annotated Bibliography
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Somacescu, S. M., Barbu, C. M., & Nistorescu, T. (2016). Investigating The Relationship Between Organizational Communication And Organizational Culture.  Management and Marketing Journal,  XIV(1), 91–100. https://ideas.repec.org/a/aio/manmar/vxivy2016i1p91-100.html
Organizational culture and communication are vital because they help disseminate change that helps employees become productive. Therefore, this article explores the intersection between organizational communication and its culture and the positive association that the two bring to an organization. According to the authors, organizations develop their culture through communication and interaction with their staff which happens by facilitating open communication to enable the organization to create a culture that will allow it to thrive. Thus, this article is significant to my research because it will generate insights into the interaction between culture and communication and how the two interact to sustain organizations and improve employee performance.
Bogale, A. T., & Debela, K. L. (2024). Organizational culture: a systematic review. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2024.2340129
In studying organizational culture and organizational communication, it is important to understand what is organizational culture and its impact on organizational success and productivity. According to this article, organizational culture plays a significant role in employee job satisfaction turnover rate, productivity, and organizational change. The article explores how organizational culture, that is beliefs, norms, values and attitudes impact employee behavior. Thus, the article will be vital in understanding various organizational culture models and the role they play in helping employees accomplish their objectives then find an intersectional between culture and communication.
Aziz, F. R., Kowiyanto, & Hasdiana. (2024). THE ROLE OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATION IN BUILDING A POSITIVE CORPORATE CULTURE.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of SOCIAL and EDUCATION,  1(3), 595–607. https://btqur.or.id/index.php/injosedu/article/view/193
‌There are various communications in an organization and each has its role in helping the management interact with employees at all levels. One such communication is internal communication where the organization interacts with its staff through official and non-official communication channels. This article aims to expound on the role of internal communication in developing a positive culture in an organization. According to the article, a positive corporate culture helps an organization achieve long-term success, thus internal communication plays a vital role in forming and maintaining a positive culture in an organization. Thus, this article will be crucial for my research because it will inform on the significance of having internal communications in an organization and its role in establishing a positive corporate culture.
Wafa’a, F., Allama, F., & Williams, B. (2024). The role of organizational culture and communication skills in predicting the quality of nursing care.  Applied Nursing Research,  75, 151769. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnr.2024.151769‌
Organizational culture and communication skills are important in any organization and they help determine the quality of services that the organization is offering. This article discusses the role of organizational culture and communication skills and how they impact nursing care quality. According to the article, nursing managers can improve the quality of care offered in their organizations by ensuring that they improve the communication skills of their nurses which will provide a good environment to increase care quality. Therefore, this article provides insights into communication skills and how they can be used to improve organizational culture thus helping in my research by understanding how these communication skills can improve the quality of services that the organization is offering.
Nordby, H. (2020). Communication and Organizational Culture. In  www.intechopen.com. IntechOpen. https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/72449
‌People in an organization must learn how to interact because everyone has a different perspective and each perspective builds into either poor or strong organizational dialogue. According to this article, communication in an organization plays a vital role in influencing efficiency and performance in an organization. The article found that the concept of culture has significant dimensions that are related to the context of organizational interactions which is communication. Therefore, by exploring this article in my research, I will understand the conceptual link between organizational culture and communication and how it guides the collective practices of the employees.
Jiony, M. M., Tanakinjal, G. H., Gom, D., & Siganul, R. S. (2015). Understanding the effect of organizational culture and employee engagement on organizational performance using organizational communication as mediator: a conceptual framework.  American Journal of economics,  5(2), 128-134. http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.c.economics.201501.13.html
‌The main focus of this research is organizational communication and culture and how they interact to create a conducive working environment. This article notes that both communication and culture are interdependent in an organization and they have a positive association with each other. Therefore, organizational culture and communication are complex and they impact how employees perform, are motivated, committed, and their well-being. Thus, the authors note that both aspects are crucial for the success of any organization and they shape how employees interact. This article will have a significant role in my research because it will inform my understanding of the complexity of organizational communication and culture and how critical they are to an organization.
Alkhodary, D. A. (2023). Exploring the relationship between organizational culture and well-being of educational institutions in Jordan.  Administrative Sciences,  13(3), 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci13030092
There are various determinants of organizational culture and they impact how organizations shape the values, and behaviors of their employees According to this article, the environment in which it operates plays a vital role in shaping its competitiveness, productivity, and performance. Organizational culture is a culmination of various aspects and one of them is organizational communication, according to this article, the importance of communication is usually underscored in many organizations but its role in shaping the culture of the organization is significant. Thus, the article is vital for my research in evaluating the effectiveness of organizational culture and how employees’ well-being benefits from this type of culture in an organization.
Setiawan, R. A. (2023). Communication in organizational culture at the Balikpapan AirNav company during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  COMMICAST,  4(3), 58-75. https://doi.org/10.12928/commicast.v4i3.9613
When seeking to implement organizational success, one of the key areas that managers focus on is organizational communication. According to this article, organizational communication is vital because it helps form a comfortable culture in an organization which helps the company or organization survive through difficult situations. The main focus of the article is on the role of communication in an organization during the COVID-19 pandemic and how it helped the company create an organizational culture that improved performance. Thus, I will use this article in my research to examine how communication can create a stable corporate culture.
Reisinger, S. (2023).  Institute of Strategic Management THE IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION ON PERFORMANCE: UNRAVELING THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL AND ITS UNFOLDING MECHANISMS Master of Science In the Master’s program Management. https://epub.jku.at/download/pdf/9079642.pdf
The interrelationship between organizational culture and communication has been studied by a significant number of scholars, and most of them have explored the impact these two impact aspects of an organization have on the performance of the employees. Therefore, this article also explores how organizational communication and culture affect how employees perform in various organizations. According to this article, an organization that fosters a positive culture and encourages its staff to have open communication is more likely to experience increased productivity which improves its performance. This article will be a key foundation of my research because it will help me understand various communication strategies that an organization can use to improve communication which sets the stage for a positive organizational culture.
Li, X., Sekiguchi, T., Yi, K., Zhang, Q., Peng, L., & Zhang, L. (2023). Language and culture in organization and consumer behaviors.  Frontiers in Psychology,  14, 1266220. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1266220
Not only is communication important but also the language used in communication. According to this article, language which facilitates communication in an organization has a vital role in designing organizational strategy. Therefore, the authors explored how language interacts to shape the cultural values, behaviors, and beliefs of individuals in an organization. Therefore, through language, organizations can communicate various norms, beliefs, and values that will shape the culture of the organization. Thus, the article will be useful in my research because it will help me understand the role of language in shaping organizational culture.


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