marekting in action

Learning Descriptors

Fail Below 60%

Marginal Fail 60-69%

Fair 70-79 %

Good 80-89%

Exceptional 90-100%

Purpose & Understanding

Very poor coverage of central purpose, goals, research questions or arguments with little relevant information evident. Virtually no evidence of understanding or focus.

Minimal understanding of purpose of the study; factual errors evident. Gaps in knowledge and superficial understanding. A few lines of relevant material.

Reasonable understanding and clearly identifies the purpose, goals, research questions or argument.
Reflect partial achievement of learning outcomes.

A sound grasp of, and clearly identifies, the purpose, goals, research questions or argument. Some wider study beyond the classroom content shown.

Effectively describes and explains the central purpose, arguments, research questions, or goals of the project; explanation is focused, detailed and compelling. Recognition of alternative forms of evidence beyond that supplied in the classroom.


Content is unclear, inaccurate and/or incomplete. Brief and irrelevant. Descriptive. Only personal views offered.
Unsubstantiated and does not support the purpose, argument or goals of the project. Reader gains no insight through the content of the project.

Limited content that does not really support the purpose of the report. Very poor coverage.
Displays only rudimentary knowledge of the content area. Reader gains few if any insights

Presents some information that adequately supports the central purpose, arguments, goals, or research questions of the project. Although parts missing, it demonstrates a level of partially proficient knowledge of the content area. Reader gains some insights.

Presents clear and appropriate information that adequately supports the central purpose, arguments, goals or research questions of the project.
Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge of the content area. Reader gains proficient insights.

Presents balanced, significant and valid information that clearly and convincingly supports the central purpose, arguments, research questions or goals of the project. Demonstrates in-depth and specialised knowledge of the content area. The reader gains important insights

Use of References

Little or no evidence of reference sources in the report. Content not supported and based on unsubstantiated views.

Most references are from sources that are not peer- reviewed or professional, and have uncertain reliability. Few if any appropriate citations are provided. Reader doubts the validity of much of the material.

Professionally legitimate references are generally used. Fair citations are presented in most cases. Some of the information/content/evidence comes from sources that are reliable, but more academic sources needed to be convincing.

Professionally and academically legitimate references are used. Clear and accurate citations are presented in most cases. The majority of the information/content/evidence comes from sources that are reliable.

Presents compelling evidence from professionally and academically legitimate sources. Attribution is clear and accurate. References are 75% from primarily peer-reviewed professional journals or other approved sources.

Written Communication Skills

The written project exhibits multiple errors in grammar, sentence structure and/or spelling. Inadequate writing skills (e.g., weaknesses in language facility and mechanics) hinder readability and contribute to an ineffective research project.

The written project exhibits errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. The written project comes across as untidy and not properly checked for mistakes. Errors present in written communication make readability frustrating.

Written research project displays good word choice, language conventions and mechanics with a few minor errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure and/or punctuation. Errors do not represent a major distraction or obscure meaning.

Readability of the project is good due to the clarity of language used. Grammar, spelling and punctuation is without error.
Spelling and grammar thoroughly checked.

Readability of the project is enhanced by facility in language use/word choice. Excellent mechanics and syntactic variety. Uses language conventions effectively (e.g., spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing, grammar, etc.).

Analytical / Critical Thinking Skills

Research problem, concept or idea is not clearly articulated, or its component elements are not identified or described. Research information is poorly organized, categorized and/or not examined; research information is often inaccurate or incomplete. Presents little if any analysis or interpretation; inaccurately and/or inappropriately applies research methods, techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories to the analysis. Presents few solutions or conclusions; solutions or conclusions are often not well supported, are inaccurate and/or inconsistent, and are presented in a vague or rudimentary manner.

Research problem, concept or idea is not clearly articulated at times and confusing. Research information is badly organized, categorized, and/or only superficially examined; research information is often incomplete. Presents limited analysis or interpretation; inaccurately and/or inappropriately applies research methods, techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories to the analysis. Presents some solutions or conclusions but they are often not well supported, or logical.

Adequately identifies and describes (or sketches out) the research problem, concept or idea and its components. Gathers and examines information relating to the research problem, concept or idea; presents and appraises research information with some minor inconsistencies, irrelevancies or omissions. Generally applies appropriate research methods, techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories although with inaccuracies. Outlines solutions or conclusions that are somewhat logical and consistent with the analysis and evidence; identifies and/or lists solutions or conclusions although not always clearly.

Formulates a clear description of the research problem, concept or idea, and specifies major elements to be examined. Selects information appropriate to addressing the research problem, concept or idea; accurately and appropriately analyses and interprets relevant research information. Effectively applies appropriate research methods, techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories in developing and justifying multiple solutions or conclusions; solutions or conclusions are coherent, well supported and complete.

Effectively formulates a clear description of the research problem, concept or idea, and specifies major elements to be examined. Selects and prioritizes information appropriate to addressing the research problem, concept, or idea; accurately and appropriately analyzes and interprets relevant research information.
Precisely and effectively applies appropriate research methods, employs advanced skills to conduct research. Uses techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories in developing and justifying multiple solutions or conclusions; solutions or conclusions are insightful, coherent, well supported, logically consistent and complete. Displays a mastery of complex and specialized areas.

Integration Skills

Shows little ability to employ theory and practice across the functional areas of business in the assessment of issues relating to the research problem, concept, or idea. Does not recognize or correctly identify cross-functional organizational issues relevant to the research problem, concept or idea. Does not adequately evaluate the research problem, concept or idea in light of relevant principles, theories and practices across the business functional areas. Few if any solutions, recommendations for action, or conclusions are presented, and/or they are not appropriately justified or supported.

Shows some ability to employ theory and practice across the functional areas of business in the assessment of issues relating to the research problem, concept or idea. Recognizes organizational issues relevant to the research problem, concept or idea but does not show understanding. Does not adequately evaluate the research problem, concept or idea in light of relevant principles, theories and practices across the business functional areas. Some solutions offered but difficult to understand. Recommendations for action, or conclusions are presented, but they are often not well supported, or logical.

Exhibits application of principles, theories and practices across the functional areas of business to the analysis of the research problem, concept or idea. With some exceptions, outlines and describes (or sketches out) some cross- functional organizational issues that are relevant to the research problem, concept or idea.
Adequately identifies and describes (or summarizes) solutions, recommendations for action, or conclusions that are, for the most part, appropriate, but which need to be more aligned with principles and concepts in the functional areas of business.

Demonstrates an ability to integrate and apply principles, theories and practices across the functional areas of business to the analysis of the research problem, concept or idea.
Identifies, examines and critically evaluates important cross- functional organizational issues associated with the research problem, concept or idea. Clearly justifies solutions, recommendations for action, or conclusions based on analytics and an insightful synthesis of cross-disciplinary principles and concepts in the functional areas of business.

Demonstrates well-developed ability to integrate and apply principles, theories and practices across the functional areas of business to the analysis of the research problem, concept or idea. Effectively identifies, examines and critically evaluates important cross-functional organizational issues associated with the research problem, concept, or idea. Clearly and effectively justifies solutions, recommendations for action, or conclusions based on strong analytics and an insightful synthesis of cross-disciplinary principles and concepts in the functional areas of business. Can link thinking across disciplines and contexts.


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