history 1302





Analysis of Document

Offers in-depth analysis and interpretation of the document; distinguishes between fact and opinion; explores reliability of author; compares and contrasts author’s point of view with views of other

Offers accurate analysis of the document

Demonstrates only a minimal understanding of the document

Reiterates one or two facts from the document but does not offer any analysis or interpretation of the document

Knowledge of Historical Context

Shows evidence of thorough knowledge of period in which source was written; relates primary source to specific historical context in which it was written

Uses previous general historical knowledge to examine issues included in document

Limited use of previous historical knowledge without complete accuracy

Barely indicates any previous historical knowledge

Knowledge of Historical Consequence

Clear grasp of the effect or importance of the source in history.

Clear grasp of the effect or importance of the source in history

Some grasp of the effect or importance of the source in history

No or erroneous understanding of the effect or importance of the source in history

Identification of Key Issues/Main Point

Identifies the key issues and main points included in the primary source; shows understanding of author’s goal(s)

Identifies most but not all of the key issues and main points in the primary source

Describes in general terms one issue or concept included in the primary source

Deals only briefly and vaguely with the key issues and main points in the document


Uses several (3-5) outside resources in addition to primary source

Uses 1–2 outside resources in addition to primary source

Relies heavily on the material/information provided

Relies exclusively on the material/information provided; no evidence of outside resources


The reader clearly and specifically discusses the author of the document (including reliability), the origins of the document, and the likely audience, connects them to the specifics of the document, and uses that information in a sophisticated way to deepen understanding of the document

The reader discusses the author of the document, the origins of the document, or the likely audience, and relates them to the document in a general way

There is limited discussion of the document’s author and source, and that information is not used to effectively deepen understanding of the document

There is no discussion of the documents author, origin, or likely audience

Identification of Literary Devices

Analyzes author’s use of literary devices such as repetition, irony, analogy, and sarcasm

Mentions author’s use of literary devices but does not develop fully

Does not discuss author’s
use of literary devices

Does not discuss author’s use of literary devices

Understanding of Audience

Shows strong understanding of author’s audience

Shows some understanding of author’s audience

Shows little understanding of author’s audience

Shows no understanding of author’s audience

Construction of Composition

The sequence of ideas and transitions are seamless and fluid. Introduction is quick to capture reader interest and strongly orients the reader; body paragraphs are clearly focused and cohesive; conclusion illuminates the central idea and provides sophisticated, thought-provoking, and convincing analysis into the larger implications and/or significance. The essay is tightly unified around one clear argument

The sequence of ideas and transitions are effective. Introduction engages and orients the reader; body paragraphs are focused and cohesive; topic sentences are strong; conclusion illuminates the central idea and explores the larger implications and/or significance. The essay is unified around one clear argument

The sequence of ideas is functional but may have abrupt or illogical shifts. Introduction attempts to engage and orient the reader; body paragraphs are focused but lack cohesion; topics sentences are functional; conclusion reiterates the purpose and major points of the essay but is formulaic. The essay is loosely unified around one clear argument but there are gaps

Essay has no clearly defined or apparent organization. Introduction fails to engage or orient the reader; body paragraphs lack focus or cohesion; there are no topic sentences; conclusion is abrupt or not evident. The essay is not unified around one clear argument


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