Why Rituals are Good For Your Health

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.


For this essay, you will identify and analyze the elements of the rhetorical situation as well as the forensic/ deliberative balance for an essay on “Why Rituals are Good For Your Health” by Ari Honarvar, and identify the writers perspective or thesis to identify and analyze your own thoughts on the issue.

Your purposes in completing this assignment are to:

  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the rhetorical situation and its parts
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of forensic and deliberative rhetoric
  • Demonstrate your critical thinking skills by
    • identifying and analyzing the different parts of the rhetorical situation
    • by identifying and analyzing your own thoughts on the writers perspective or thesis connecting your response to quotes and specific examples from the essay
  • Demonstrate your ability to create a structure for an essay using section headers
  • Practice writing with clarity and coherence
  • Practice engaging in writing as a process
  • You will also need to reference and quote (OWL) to complete the essay. You can use this source to give definitions of rhetorical terms
  • A title that indicates something meaningful and unifying about the essay
  • An introduction paragraph that indicates
    1. Your selected essays title and author
    2. A definition of rhetorical situation (cite your source…OWL is fine!)
    3. A brief summary of your purpose in writing this essay (this will function as your thesis for this paper)
  • A section about the purpose of your chosen article/ essay that includes
    1. A section header indicating something meaningful and unifying about this section
    2. A definition of purpose in regard to the rhetorical situation (cite your source…OWL is fine!)
    3. A summary in your own words of what you see as the purpose of the essay (I.e., the writers purpose)
    4. An explanation of why you think the purpose is what you say it is, drawing on a quote or specific example from the essay in your response
  • A section about the writer that includes
    1. A section header indicating something meaningful and unifying about this section
    2. Who the writer is, and what makes them credible and qualified to write this essay (cite at least one research sourceWikipedia or a similar source is perfect for our purposes here)
    3. A description of the writers or tone (OWL) and what details from the text influence your view of this
  • A section about Setting (Context and Culture) that includes
    1. A section header indicating something meaningful and unifying about this section
    2. A definition of setting in a rhetorical situation (cite your source…OWL is fine!)
    3. A description of the setting of your selected essay, drawing on two quotes or specific examples from the essay in your response (this response will likely need to be a full paragraph or more…aim for 150-250 words)
  • A section about audience that includes
    1. A section header indicating something meaningful and unifying about this section
    2. What cultures/ subcultures of people you think are most likely to read this, and why you think theyre likely to read it (connect your response to a quote/ specific detail from the text)
    3. What the identified cultures’ purpose in reading might be and why (connect to a quote/ detail from the text)
  • A section about text that includes
    1. A section header indicating something meaningful and unifying about this section
    2. Describe in your own words what you see as the unifying perspective/ thesis and connect this to a quote/ specific detail from the text
    3. Describe the organizational structure or parts of the essaygive a brief description of each section of the essay.
  • A section assessing the roles of deliberative and forensic rhetoric in the article
    1. A section header indicating something meaningful and unifying about this section
    2. Describe how the writer uses forensic rhetoric, drawing on examples from the text
    3. Describe how the writer uses deliberative rhetoric, drawing on examples of the text
    4. Assess if you think the use of forensic and deliberative rhetoric was effective–How could the writer have used more of either to make their argument stronger or more persuasive?
  • A section about your perspective/ opinion of the writers perspective/ thesis
    1. A section header indicating something meaningful and unifying about this section
    2. A reminder for the reader of what you see as the unifying perspective/ thesis of the essay.
    3. 250+ words on what your opinion is on the argument raised by the writer, tying your response to personal experience (i.e., things you’ve seen or experienced in your life) and/or research (things you’ve read about–cite any sources you discuss).
  • A concluding paragraph
    1. Remind the audience of your purpose
    2. Sum up, indicating the significance of what you wrote
  • An list with corresponding in-text citations
  • An additional reflection on what it was like for you to complete the assignmentwhat was your writing process like and how did the assignment fit into your Zone of Proximal Development or ZPD?
    • Be clearly and coherently written
    • Have an overall analytical tone
    • Draw on transitional language between parts of the same section so that you move smoothly from one idea to the next, within the same section. From section to section, you can create transitions, but the section headers do a lot of that work for you!



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