This assignment is a 1650-word critical and analytical essay discussing the statement “When paradigms change the world changes with them” by Kuhn, exploring the concept of paradigm shifts and their impact on society.


This assignment is a 1650-word critical and analytical essay discussing the statement “When paradigms change the world changes with them” by Kuhn, exploring the concept of paradigm shifts and their impact on society.

Hello! The primary aim of this 1650 words essay is to develop A CRITICAL AND ANALYTICAL ARGUMENT answering the question: “ “When paradigms change the world changes with them” (Kuhn). Discuss.” Before I continue with the guidelines, remember it is essential to be CRITICAL IN EVERY ARGUMENT, EACH ARGUMENT HAS TO GO WITH A CRITICAL ARGUMENT. If you do a descriiptive essay I would rate you with 0 stars. It should be independent in its thought, YOU HAVE TO EXPRESS YOUR OWN CRITICAL OPINION OF THE LITERATURE, AND ADOPTING A VIEWPOINT OVER THE ESSAY ON THE BASIS OF YOUR OWN REASONING. It is very important that you are clear when defining the terms of Kuhn statement. THE READER SHOULD AT ALL TIMES BE ABLE TO FOLLOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT IT, AND WHAT YOU THINK IS WRONG WITH WHAT KUHN OR OTHERS HAVE SAID. The most important aspect of this essay is that you express your distinctive viewpoint. USE THE FIRST PERSON, to say “I find X’s position unconvincing because… As I have argued, Y …” REGARDING STRUCTURE IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU INCLUDE AN OBVIOUS AND DISCERNIBLE INTRODUCTION, MIDDLE PARAGRAPH AND CONCLUSION. THIS IS THE EXACT STRUCTURE YOU MUST FOLLOW:
1)THE INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH MUST INTRODUCE THE PROBLEM YOU WILL DISCUSS, AND THE APPROACH YOU WILL TAKE TO IT. At the end of the introduction you have to include a clear structure of what you talk in each paragraph of the essay such as: “Firstly…(corresponding to the first pair of paragraphs); Secondly… (corresponding to the second pair of paragraphs) etc…” You have to split your argument into clearly marked sections (group of paragraphs). 2)THE MAIN BODY OF THE ESSAY MUST INCLUDE A SUITABLE BALANCE BETWEEN EXPOSITION AND ARGUMENT. The exposition must be concise BUT clear and devote the majority of the essay to critical argument and evaluation. Over the essay you have to move from convincing and critical premises to a conclusion. 3)The conclusion paragraph MUST round off and summarise the discussion with a statement of the position you have ultimately defended. This is an example of how your structure should look like (it is a different topic but for you to see how your essay should look like): 1) The utilitarian claims that … , and provides these reasons: (a), (b), (c) … 2) For the purposes of this essay I shall focus on reason (a)
3) The following objection can be made to reason (a) 4)There are two possible responses to this objection that the utilitarian could make. Firstly, the utilitarian could argue that …; and secondly, he/she could argue that …4) Further objections can be raised against each of these responses. In the case of the first response, it could be argued that …5) In the case of the second response, it could be argued that … 6) But the utilitarian could, in turn, defend his/her position by pointing out that … 7) In the light of these considerations, I conclude that, at least with regard to reason (a), the utilitarian’s position is highly plausible / implausible
Overall, the aim of the essay is to demonstrate your ability to make clear, critical and logical arguments, not the ability to read a load of books and articles and mention them all at some point. AS YOU CAN’T COVER THE WHOLE DEBATE, YOU HAVE TO FOCUS ON AN ISSUE AND DISCUSS THAT IN DETAIL. YOU MUST SHOW YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE RELEVANT LITERATURE, THAT WOULD HELP YOU TO MAKING YOUR CASE. Regarding the readings I have included 8 readings. You must use minimum 8 sources. Use at least 5-6 sources of the readings I have uploaded (you can use all of them but just use readings that are pertinent for the essay) and then complement them with others of your own. I have also uploaded some notes under the name “Chapter A”, that you can use in the essay as it is the theoretical aspect of the topic, where you can take some ideas from. I insist on the importance of doing a CRITICAL and CLEAR essay.



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