read the questions and answer the following in relation of the topic



A) Watch the movie the social network and answer these questions:

1. Privacy and Data Accessibility (10:02) – In the scene where the university’s student information, including emails, class years, and photos, is freely accessed and used by Mark to create a website, discuss the ethical considerations of using personal data found online. How does this scene reflect on current debates about privacy and data protection on social media platforms?
2. Intellectual Property and Ownership (Winklevoss Incident) – Explore the controversy surrounding the origination of the idea for Facebook. Should an idea belong to the one who conceived it, or to the one who executes it effectively? Discuss the complexities of intellectual property in the digital age.
3. University Governance vs. Federal/State Law – Can university policies override federal or state laws, especially in the context of disciplinary actions against students for their activities outside of academic requirements? If the answer is yes, what are the broader legal implications if university policies held more legal sway? If the answer is no, what purpose do university policies hold? Would students still be obligated to follow them?
4. Stock Dilution (01:42:58, 24 Million New Shares) – What is share dilution? Discuss the implications of stock dilution for original shareholders. What can be done, financially or legally, to prevent share dilution? What are the ethical considerations in diluting shares, especially in the context of startup growth and investment?
5. NDA and Public Disclosure The real-life cases of both the Winklevoss twins and Saverin both reach a settlement outside of the court. However, both cases also stipulate an NDA with the settlement. Describe the struggle between the adverse goals of NDAs and public interest. How does this tension affect perceptions of justice and truth?
6. Ethics and Freedom of Speech – Section 230 promotes free speech by removing strong incentives for platforms to limit what we can say and do online. Under Section 230, platforms generally may not be held liable for the content posted by users. Do you agree with Section 230? Should there be expectations or does this limit freedom of speech, which is protected in our first amendment. What’s the duty of care for internet providers? Should Facebook be at all liable for what is posted or advertised on its website if it is harmful to consumers?

PART B). Review the links below and list two things that are interesting.

  • Original Crimson Article in 2003:
  • Behind the scenes of the movie:
  • Facebook Teen Ad Targeting:
  • Stock Dilution Video:

    C) Listen to the following podcasts about Section 230 and the ethical practices of Facebook. Write two takeaways from the material and opinion on if social media companies like Facebook should be open to product liability claims

    • Facebook Podcast:
    • Section 230 Podcast:
    • Social Media Product liability
      • Podcast:


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