Discussion board assignment | Homework help

The Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the active participation of students and the instructor to create robust interaction and dialogue. Every student is expected to create an original response to the open-ended DB question as well as engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the week. At the end of each unit, DB participation will be assessed based on both level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion.
At a minimum, each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question and contribute to the weekly dialogue by responding to at least two other posts from students. The first contribution must be posted before midnight (Central Time) on Wednesday of each week. The original contribution must reference the text or auxiliary reading at least twice. Two additional responses are required after Wednesday of each week. The responses must be posted on separate days and must be at least 100 words in length. The responses are due by midnight (CST) Sunday. Comments that are posted late Saturday night, are not quality responses and will be graded down. Comments that are mere responses (I agree!) will also be graded down. Students are highly encouraged to engage on the Discussion Board early and often, as that is the primary way the university tracks class attendance and participation.
The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit.
Assignment Details
Jurisdiction is a term most interested in law enforcement have heard before. In the context of criminal law, the word jurisdiction has two primary categories: “geographic jurisdiction” and “subject-matter jurisdiction.”  Using the text, intellipath, and other credible academic sources, research both of these forms of jurisdiction and discuss their relationship to law enforcement while answering the following questions:
The premier federal law enforcement agency in the United States is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). What are the boundaries of the FBI’s geographic jurisdiction? Over what types of crimes does the FBI have subject matter jurisdiction? Does the FBI investigate crimes like homicide and aggravated robbery?
At the state level, what law enforcement agency(ies) would typically have jurisdiction over a residential burglary?
Can more than one level of law enforcement agency have jurisdiction over the same crime? If so, provide an example, describing the crime as well as the agencies that would have concurrent jurisdiction over that crime.
In your own words, post a response to the Discussion Board, and comment on at least 2 other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.
Please note that you are required to support your views by referencing your sources in all assignments. Even if the question asks for your opinion, you are still expected to support your opinion with references to published works and other materials. You may only use the text or assigned scholarly readings for references. Do not use Internet sources. APA format is necessary for your assignments when citing references, and assistance on how to use APA is available in the APA Citation Center. For assistance in supporting your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials, including any materials provided by the faculty member


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