Title: “The Reprocessing Cycle and Decontamination: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Keeping Medical Instruments Safe and Clean”


This will be an excellent opportunity for you to tap into your creativity. For this graded assignment, you will create a presentation to describe the reprocessing cycle and a detailed explanation of what you do in decontamination in a way that a non-medical friend could understand your role in SPD.
Your submission can be a written essay or a medium of your choice such as PowerPoint, for example. Submission guidelines are provided below.
Setting the Scene
To make this process relatable to your non-medical friend, you will compare it to cleaning up after a big dinner party. But here’s the catch, the dinner party was two days ago! That means all this time the debris on the dishes, pots, pans, countertops, and tables has been drying in the air because nothing was soaked. Keep this in mind as you explain the difficult task at hand.
Here are a few key points to include:
Proper attire and PPE needed
Explain what manual cleaning is and then walk them through the process. Can you explain to your friend what would have made this process easier and why? Then, relate that back to your responsibilities in decontamination. Dig in and explain the what and the why of what you do!
Explain the mechanical cleaning process and be sure to warn your friend of any hazards with chemicals or machinery. How is this process like something they could relate to?
Once the items are completed in decontamination what happens to them next? How does that tie into putting the scene of the party back to the way it was beforehand? How is that like the reprocessing cycle?
Presentation Format
You may choose how you want to present this assignment. Here are a few guidelines.
Proofread before submitting.
Make sure your submission is free and clear of grammatical errors. 
Name your file properly by following the guidelines below if you choose to attach a file. 
PowerPoint Best Practices
If you choose to submit a PowerPoint presentation, follow these best practices when creating your presentation:
Outline your presentation before you get started (just like you would do for a paper).
Use visuals to enhance what you are saying.
Feel free to add narration to your slides as an option.
Avoid text-heavy slides.
Use a consistent visual theme throughout your presentation.
Make your slides easy to read.
Suggested Font Sizes
Slide titles = 36 to 44 pt.
Slide text = 28 to 32 pt.
Suggested Fonts
Times New Roman
Any font that is easy to read
Use Contrasting Colors
Try a dark background with light text, or a light background with dark text
Avoid overly bright or neon colors
Avoid using similar colors for the background and the text color
Proofread your slides.



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