9-1 intervention


9-1 Discussion: Case Study
In this discussion, please consider these important clinical skills for child and adolescent concentration students, such as the following:
● Use clear and concise communications ● Identify and use real-world resources on position papers in this
field ● Demonstrate problem-solving skills
In your initial discussion post, compare and contrast the case study of Artie (Appendix B in the text) to a case study previously covered in class. Describe intervention techniques you would use when dealing with the child’s or adolescent’s disorder.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.


Module Overview18.html
Treatment Interventions
Treatment-Specific Interventions
Specific treatment interventions are used by mental health professionals, mental health treatment programs, victim or witness advocates, and other practitioners who come into contact with children and their families who are faced with a diagnosis, which is likely a direct result of having been involved in the legal system. Such diagnoses could include post-traumatic stress disorder; sexual, verbal, and physical abuse; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; and substance abuse.
The mental health professional’s primary challenge is to discover which treatments are effective for relieving the problems affecting the children or adolescents faced with one of these disorders; the professional must sort through the varying environments that may or may not have had a direct correlation to the mental health issue. Mental health professionals must also be aware that children and adolescents who have been through the legal system are more likely to have a dual diagnosis, which can develop into serious emotional and behavioral difficulties.


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Reading and Resources8.html

Required Resources
Textbook: Functional Behavioral Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment,  Appendix B
Shapiro Library Article:  Barriers and Facilitators Affecting Self-Disclosure Among Male Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse: The Service Provider’s Perspective Review this article to better understand the issues victims of child sexual abuse face and how they impact treatment modalities. This resource may help you complete this module’s case study discussion.
Reading:  Child Protective Services Manual This manual provides an example of a state’s Child Protective Services protocols, including reporting abuse, best practices, and special populations. This resource could help you with this module’s discussion and short paper assignments.
Website: National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Trauma Treatments Explore this website to help analyze treatment options for children and adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder. The information on this site will help you complete this module’s case study discussion.
Website:  Psychosocial Treatments Review this website to explore treatment options for children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The information on this site will help you complete this module’s case study discussion.
Reading:  Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct This resource from the American Psychological Association is a guide to ethical issues psychologists face and how to deal with them. This resource will help you complete this module’s short paper assignment.


Graduate Discussion Rubric.html
Graduate Discussion Rubric
Your active participation in the discussions is essential to your overall success this term. Discussion questions will help you make meaningful connections between the course content and the larger concepts of the course. These discussions give you a chance to express your own thoughts, ask questions, and gain insight from your peers and instructor.
For each discussion, you must create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts.
For your initial post, do the following:
Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs.
In Module One, complete your initial post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern.
In Modules Two through Ten, complete your initial post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.
Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing scholarly or popular sources.
For your response posts, do the following:
Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own initial post thread.
In Module One, complete your two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern.
In Modules Two through Ten, complete your two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.
Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion prompt.
Discussion Rubric
Needs Improvement
Not Evident
Develops an initial post with an organized, clear point of view or idea using rich and significant detail (100%)
Develops an initial post with a point of view or idea using appropriate detail (90%)
Develops an initial post with a point of view or idea but with some gaps in organization and detail (70%)
Does not develop an initial post with an organized point of view or idea (0%)
Submits initial post on time (100%)
Submits initial post one day late (70%)
Submits initial post two or more days late (0%)
Provides relevant and meaningful response posts with clarifying explanation and detail (100%)
Provides relevant response posts with some explanation and detail (90%)
Provides somewhat relevant response posts with some explanation and detail (70%)
Provides response posts that are generic with little explanation or detail (0%)
Critical Thinking
Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence and examples (100%)
Draws informed conclusions that are justified with evidence (90%)
Draws logical conclusions (70%)
Does not draw logical conclusions (0%)
Writing (Mechanics)
Initial post and responses are easily understood, clear, and concise using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations (100%)
Initial post and responses are easily understood using proper citation methods where applicable with few errors in citations (90%)
Initial post and responses are understandable using proper citation methods where applicable with a number of errors in citations (70%)
Initial post and responses are not understandable and do not use proper citation methods where applicable (0%)


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