
Analyzing Report
Student Name
Analyzing Report
Based on the provided “Sample Intelligence-Achievement” Report, let’s analyze Bob’s strengths and weaknesses and their relationship with intelligence and testing the success and offering relevant recommendations that are best for him.
Verbal Comprehension: Bob demonstrates average verbal comprehension skills, as indicated by his Vocabulary and Similarities subtest scores falling within the average range (Cohen et al., 2021). This suggests that he understands English word definitions well and verbal reasoning abilities.
Reading: Bob’s Word Reading and Sentence Comprehension scores fall within the average range, indicating that his word reading skills and comprehension of ideas and information in sentences are similar to his peers.
Spelling: Bob’s spelling score falls within the borderline range, suggesting that his spelling skills are weaker compared to his peers. He may struggle with tasks involving spelling English words accurately.
Math Computation: Bob’s Math Computation score falls within the low average range, indicating that his skills in performing basic mathematics computations are slightly below average. He may face challenges with increasingly complex math problems (Cohen et al., 2021).
Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses
Reading and understanding what people say are two things that Bob does well. His average scores in word reading and sentence comprehension show this. But his problems with writing and math’s may affect how well he does in school and in life in general.
While Bob’s intelligence falls within the average range overall, his lower performance in visual-spatial skills might affect tasks that heavily rely on this ability, such as certain problem-solving tasks or spatial reasoning activities (Gonthier, 2022).
Remedial Support: Bob could benefit from targeted interventions aimed at improving his spelling and math computation skills. This could involve enrolling him in individualized tutoring sessions or structured remedial programs specifically designed to address his weaknesses in these areas. These interventions would provide Bob with personalized instruction and strategies to strengthen his foundational skills in spelling and math, ultimately helping him to achieve academic success.
Accommodations: It may be helpful to provide him with accommodations during assessments or classroom activities. For example, Bob could be given extra time for spelling assessments to alleviate any time pressure and allow him to focus on accurately spelling words (Gonthier, 2022). Additionally, the use of assistive technology, such as calculators or computer programs, could support Bob in completing math computations more efficiently and accurately.
Skill Building: Beyond formal academic interventions, encouraging Bob to engage in activities outside of the classroom that promote spelling and math skills can further support his development in these areas (Gonthier, 2022). For instance, Bob could participate in word games or puzzles that reinforce spelling rules and vocabulary.
In summary, while Bob demonstrates strengths in verbal comprehension and reading, his weaknesses in spelling and math computation highlight areas where targeted support and accommodations may be necessary to support his overall academic and functional success.
Cohen, R. J., Schneider, W. J., & Tobin, R. M. (2021). Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction to Tests and Measurement (10th ed., International Student Edition). McGraw Hill.
Gonthier, C. (2022). Cross-cultural differences in visuo-spatial processing and the culture-fairness of visuo-spatial intelligence tests: An integrative review and a model for matrices tasks. Cognitive Research, 7(11). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41235-021-00350-w


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