
Read page 90-102 1.What factors motivated Iberians to explore and colonize the Americas in the 16th century?
How did westward expansion impact Spain and Mexico?
Define U.S. foreign policies during the 19th century regarding Latin America. How did these policies impact Latin America?
What issues drove the Latinx American civil rights movement of the 1960s?
2. read https://rccd.instructure.com/courses/75210/discussion_topics/1555077
After reading the letter, what is one of your takeaways.
Did you learn anything new?
Respond to a classmate.
3. Purpose: Your purpose for this assignment is a) to build consciousness on the topic you’ve chosen to focus on, b) maximize the audience for which your perspective on the topic is convincing, and c) engage in various of the Student Learning Outcomes, such as analysis, interpretation, and the evaluation of complex academic topics and/or a range of works.
Audience: Your audience for this project includes a mixed audience of people interested, but not necessarily well-versed in, the topic—for example, college students on a college campus or community members in a public setting.
Assignment: Your task for the Unit 2 Essay or Project is to choose one of the options below. As indicated below, you are free to opt for a project instead of a written essay. You are also free to work independently, in pairs, or in teams, but each person should give their essay or project the labor equivalent of a 5-page essay or, if working collaboratively, 4-5 pages.
Option A (Close Reading): Offer a close reading of Parable of the Sower that does the following:
Offers a coherent and overarching interpretation of the work (thesis)
Supports your interpretation with examples or scenes from the work (support)
Sample Thesis: In title of work, author suggests X is Y since A and B.
Option B (Book Review): Write a book review of The Parable of the Sower that makes readers aware of the work’s central contribution, including its purpose and impact.
Option C (Project): Do a project. You could make a podcast, for instance, examining a topic such as Afrofuturism, cli-fi, and/or other kinds of speculative or visionary fiction through the lens of Parable of the Sower with the aim of bringing a more just world into being.
Option D (Art): Make art, following the example of Butler. You could write a work of speculative or visionary fiction, for instance, or you could rewrite one of the chapters in this unit, perhaps from the POV of a different character. Or you could offer a creative interpretation of the book, via poetry, songs, or a photo series, for instance.
Parable of the Sower: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O28muWz-rPKUlFsrQkFy_f0Y3c6T1DkY/view?pli=1


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