4.23 social innovatioan enterpreneurship

Faculty of Business & Law
Assignment 2 Brief – Individual Report (2,500 words)
Module Title Social Innovation &
Number 2
Module Code ENTE3534 Assignment Type Individual Report
Module Leader Dr Samuel O.
Weighting 50%
Release Date October 17, 2023 Submission
Friday, 26 April, 2024
(12:00 noon UK time)
Your work during phase 1 of the module and towards assignment 1 can be considered
as a basis for this report, since it provides you with theoretical and practical insights
about social entrepreneurship opportunities, different social entrepreneurship
approaches, leading to a selected social issue of your choice and YOUR approach to
address it.
During the second phase of the module (and in preparation of assignment 2), you will
be introduced to concrete (social) business startup methods and tools, some of which
you will be using in practice during seminar work. You are expected to develop a good
understanding of these methods and tools, in order to design a comprehensive
entrepreneurial response to your chosen social issue.
Your own skills, passions and dreams – your lived experience and knowledge equity
– is of essence in this part of the module and assignment.
Group discussions during seminars will provide you with a good opportunity for a
hands-on evaluation of methods and tools when applied to specific
social/environmental issues and/or social entrepreneurs’ skills. However, as with
assignment 1, this report is strictly individual; you must present your own views!
This report should reflect your ability to apply concepts, tools and methods to
conceptualise an innovative idea to address the same social issue that you have been
working on since the start of the module.

Imagine yourself as a social entrepreneur: Think as a social entrepreneur, read, live,
breathe, act like a social entrepreneur. Follow the respective leaders in the area (of
social entrepreneurship and social innovation, and/or in the area of your social issue)
on social media (Twitter is ace; Facebook, LinkedIn etc.) See what they do; model
yourself according to best practice, and still: there is a gap, that you (!) will address,
with your own innovative social venture. It’s a lively, rich and rewarding field. Make
the most of it. Have fun! Enjoy!
Return of Marked Work
May 21, 2024.
Marking criteria
Your report (c/w2) will be marked according to the rationale shown in table 5:
Table 5 – Marking criteria for c/w assignment 2 (report)
Criteria Description Weight
Understanding of the social issue
The report needs to show a sound understanding of the social issue guiding the c/w project work. The presentation of the problem should be concise, insightful and compelling, including potential improvements in relation to the work towards assignment 1. The understanding of the social issue should reflect a good use of both relevant concepts and elements from secondary research.
Your innovative social entrepreneurial idea
The report needs to show a coherent progression from the understanding of the social issue to a value proposition which you develop. This needs to include: (a) A brief justification for the particular approach chosen to
address the social issue (NFP, Hybrid, or FP). (b) A clear representation of the innovative/creative features of
your own idea on how you’d address the issue. (c) An outline of how the idea was developed, including the use
of inner and external stakeholder analyses, as well as mind mapping.
(d) Explicit acknowledgement of the operations required to materialise the idea (brief!).
Notes: (i) You may choose a different SE approach to the one for
c/w1, if justified by your continuous learning during this term, and deepened understanding of advantages and limitations of the approaches in practice.
(ii) Consistency: It is important to keep alignment between the chosen social entrepreneurial approach (NFP, HYBRID or FP) and the development of your specific idea. For

Criteria Description Weight
instance, it would be strange to speak of sales and profit maximisation if your approach is NFP; likewise, it would be wrong to omit talking about income streams if your approach is either HYBRID or FP.]
Application of methods and tools
The report should demonstrate a good application of methods and tools, including:
(a) Inner stakeholder analysis (include mind maps and/or tabular display as an appendix)
(b) External stakeholder analysis (include mind maps and/or tabular display as an appendix)
(c) (Other) mind mapping (e.g., for systems map of issue to stakeholder analyses; include draft as an appendix)
• Lean startup strategy outline:
• showing your MVP and how you build it,
• clear examples of what and how to measure success and social impact (i.e., selection of metrics/indicators), and
• how you will to learn (and pivot) from such above measures (see: your ‘theory of change’ and ‘feedback loops)
(d) Social business canvas (visual summary).
The report needs to include a reflective section. Here, the student is expected to expand on
(a) the way her/his inner stakeholder analysis informs the innovative idea and
(b) the lessons that can be extracted from this for future career aspirations.
Overall presentation
The report needs to be well structured, showing a coherent, consistent, and compelling flow of arguments all the way from introduction to the concluding remarks. Students are expected to use of the full range of word-processing functions to present the report in a ‘professional-looking’ layout. Criteria include:
(a) quality of the executive summary (think ‘elevator pitch’), (b) word count, (c) spelling / grammar, (d) table of contents, table of figures, table of appendices, (e) header, footer, page numbering, (f) proper use of tables, figures and charts, (g) appendices including copies of students’ seminar
exercise results, (h) accurate referencing according to Harvard referencing
Further details on the assignment and assessment criteria will be shared in-class, and posted online, during the term. The resulting c/w assignment mark is to be understood in conjunction with the BAL general mark descriptors (see Module Guide p. 20).

Faculty of Business & Law
Assignment 2 Brief – Individual Report (2,500 words)

Return of Marked Work
Marking criteria


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